Chapter 36

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Arjun's POV

"Hey big brother and dearest sister in law."

Sam's exhuberent voice will someday damage my eardrums!

She stood with her hands on her hips,"So tell me how do I look?!"

She was wearing the pink dress that I chose for her and I must say she was looking very cute but who could let go of the opportunity to pull her leg?!

"You look like a girl." I smirked.

She flared up,"Excuse me! I am a girl and I asked you how do I look in this dress?!"

I gave her a smug smile,"That's what I said, you look more like a girl in this dress otherwise I use to think you had forgotten that you are a girl."

Her face fell hearing my words that's not the reaction I was anticipating, I want her to fight back.

I huffed,"Fine! You look good now don't fish for compliments from others particularly boys. They only want one thing and you know what it is."

There is no way, I am letting any man play my sister.

"Bhai, I am sure there are some good guys out there." She reasoned with me.

Sweetheart, there are no good guys out there. I say this because I have seen the world for what it really is, and its not a easy place. It's a big, bad world out there ever ready to crush fairies like you.

"Good or bad, if some guy makes you cry then he will not see the sun of another day don't come crying to me then to spare him because I will not." I say this in a tone that means business.

I will kill that man with my bare hands!


Radhika breaks in on her,"Sam, sweety you look gorgeous. Don't pay attention to him, he is just teasing you but he is happy that you chose to wear a dress of his choice."

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling as I wear my best poker face. Radhika is a gem and I am one lucky bastard.

Radhika coaxed me,"Common you have to tell her. She is wearing what you chose."

"I said she looks good." I said in my defense but the truth is I know I have not said what should be said.

I love messing up with Sam, it's my favorite thing to do.

"But that's not enough. Tell her how beautiful she looks." Radhika insisted.

I was going to shut them both up but then a wicked idea gatecrashed my brain!

I locked my gaze with Sam and took her hands in mine,"Sam, you look like a tall giraffe that is wrapped in pink!" I couldn't control myself anymore as I cackled with laughter.

Sam jerked her hand out of my grip and Radhika was throwing daggers at me!

"Arjun!" Radhika chastised me and turned to my sister," Sam please listen....."

"You know what, Bhai?! I am leaving!" Sam declared as she began to walk away.

I stopped her when I said what was the last nail,"Please don't start eating the trees on your way."

"Arjun!" Radhika screamed at me and I realized that I took it too far but Sam is the only source of entertainment I have besides Radhika.

I stood in her way," You can't leave, who is going to click our pictures together if you leave?!"

She glared at me and tried to walk pass me but I held her hand firmly,"I am sorry but you can't leave."

" Did I hear it wrong?! You just said sorry....."

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