Chapter 99

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Mathew's PoV

What fuck did I just do? I shouldn't have brought up that night not in front of Radhika. I was just so angry with Arjun when he wasn't even ready to listen to me that I gave it back to him and I think I did more damage than good.

I look at Radhika who was sobbing silently with Sam rubbing her back and Mariam aunty trying to make her eat something. Arjun has been gone for almost ten hours and its getting late now. His phone was switched off as it is he wouldn't have picked up my call even if his phone was switched on. He has been gone for ten hours now and he has left his phone here so there is no way I can contact him.

"I am not hungry, Mariam Aunty. I will throw up if I eat anything right now."

Radhika has been turning down food from the time he is gone.

"Radhika, my dear, you need to eat something at least for the baby, you must eat."

She shook her head adamantly.

I kneeled in front of her," I am sorry, Radhika. It's all my fault please eat something, you should not be starving yourself in this condition."

"It isn't your fault, I understand what you said it was just in the heat of moment." She says softly, sniffling.

I feel more guilty than I already did, I shouldn't have brought up this thing right now when Arjun was so overjoyed.

"Radhika, nothing happened between that whore and Arjun. He is many things but not a liar, I hope you know that." I tell her, looking her in the eye as I don't want her to think that I am taking Arjun's side here.

I remember asking him the next morning if he really fucked that Olivia bitch and he told me he was so drunk that he couldn't even fuck her with a borrowed dick. I know Arjun will never lie, he is a brutally honest bitch so if he does something good, bad, evil, he will own upto it and if he didn't then he will never take the blame.

I do know for a matter of fact that my best friend had tons of chances to get laid outside his marriage with women throwing themselves at him but he has rebuffed all of them and I have seen it happen with my own eyes a couple of times.

She nods wiping her tears," I know, he told me, I just don't like to think about him with other women. It just makes me so sad that he...." She breaks down covering her eyes.

"Radhika, he loves you he worships you and you are on his mind 24/7. He is yours, all yours from the moment he married you. I know Arjun better than anyone else and I know he has not fuc....slept with any other women." I correct my crude language as I could see Mariam aunty glaring at me.

She nods," I just want him to come back, he has been gone for so long now and I fear if something...."

She swallows her words looking at me tearfully but I understand that she has been through a lot and she doesn't want to lose Arjun again.

"Nothing will happen, I promise."

"Radhika, at least have this soup."

"Mariam aunty please, I can't....."

As soon as she opened her mouth to protest, Mariam aunty stuffed a spoonful of soup inside her mouth making her eyes go wide in surprise.

She tried to protest but Mariam aunty was having none of it as she fed her the soup with her own hands. Her crying has subsided a bit as she had calmed down by now and at least that was a silver lining amongst the dark clouds.

"Radhika, listen he is mad at me not you, trust me  I promise I will get him back before the dawn." I assure her.

I stood up on my feet as I started to leave.

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