Chapter 43

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Lily's POV

That fucking bitch has him wrapped around her pinky finger! I know he doesn't love me now but in past I was the only girl he cared about after his mom of course. I love the way my name rolls on his tongue. Once he had told me that he likes my name as it reminds him of his mother's liking for lilies. Speaking of his mother, Martha aunty was a sweetheart. She would always braid my hair and bake cookies for me. I loved her.

She would tell me that she would like me to marry Arjun and stay with her as her daughter forever. As we grew up, Arjun started to take after his father and I got busy with my schooling. Arjun went to a mafia academy while I went to a normal school. He is not just droolworthy but ingenious at the same time. You could never tell what is going on in his twisted mind unless he tell you, himself.

I had a huge crush on him and later I fell for him, hard so much so that I overlooked the fact that he was going to be a mob boss one day. I weaved dreams of our marriage, our children and how I wanted to grow old with him. In past he was possessive about me and he would not let any guys to talk to me. He use to say, Lily you are my little flower and I need to protect you from predaters. How I loved it when he use to pull me in a tight hug and kiss my forehead. I use to lit up with joy just by seeing him coming towards me.

Everything was dandy until that day when we both got drunk and lost our virginities to each other. Yes, Arjun was a virgin the time he slept with me. Agreed, he had made out with other girls before but he had not fucked them. I was happy and upset at the same time. Happy because I gave myself to the love my life and upset because he threw it in my face calling it a irreparable damage to our friendship. Next day he told me that he cannot be in a relationship with me as I would prefer. He initiated a proposal that I can live my life the way I want and he can live his life the way he wants. When we both would be ready then we will get married. I was just years away from my dream to marry Arjun.

Each day was more sweeter than the day that passed, I was very happy that Arjun would one day sweep me off my feet one day. Unfortunately my happiness did not last long as a storm hit me and all my dream castles came crashing down. Martha aunty passed away and if that wasn't enough of misfortune for me, Arjun changed overnight. He started sleeping with different women each day thus wounding my heart that was helplessly in love with him. He needn't give me an explanation because he had made it clear we are not in a relationship. Still his sex escapades didn't hurt any less.

Once I had even witnessed him fucking a blond when I entered inside his cabin without knocking like I usually did. I teared up as he paid a deaf ear and blind eye to me and continued pounding in that slut. His eyes were icy cold and his face was placid. He didn't give a fuck about me at that time. Later he paid a visit to my house in the evening to apologise. I asked him, what is he sorry for?!
He replied that he was sorry for me because I was at the wrong place and at a wrong time. We had a heated moment and we were going to knock one off but he got a call and he left my house stating it's an emergency.

When I went to Mehra mansion the next morning, he and Mark were sitting facing each other. Mark asked me what is brewing between me and Arjun and what was he doing in my house at midnight. I was going to answer but Arjun beat me to it callously saying we are just friends and he need not worry. I was mortified hearing his answer and my eyes welled up but I had to suck it up. Mark would not like us being together because Arjun had a long way to go according to him and a relationship would be a hurdle.

That day I had decided I would go far from Arjun and come back only after he had achieved all his goals and when he can give a name to our relationship. I wasn't going to break this news to him because he would not let me go and I needed to get out. It was my biggest mistake and it cost ten years of my life. I was held captive by Vedh, an arch rival of Arjun. Vedh tortured, starved, lashed me but he did not rape me like he threatened to. I begged him to not to mutilate my core. Every day in his prison was a curse that I had to endure. I was breathing but life was already sucked out of my body. I was forced to strip off my pride and lick his feet just for some food. I had gone through so much still I was holding onto the hope of meeting Arjun some day.

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