Chapter 65

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Arjun's POV

"Arjun, wait I am sorry please I didn't mean that..."

I could hear her screaming behind me but I was not having any of it. Mark is right that we should never trust a woman. I shouldn't have let her in. All this years I had built an impenetrable walls around me and she broke down all of those. I couldn't resist her but I should have.

I know I say that I am a heartless man and I don't do love but I had started to feel more for Radhika. It was all new for me. Couldn't she wait for me to give her what she wants?! I was trying, wasn't I?! All things that I never did for a woman, I did those for her. I pressed her feet one day when she had sore feet. I kept her above everything else but she broke me!

I hate her! I will show her what it feels like when someone claws at your tender wounds. I will show her what it is like to be on the bad side of Arjun Mehra.

I stared at her with stony eyes, "You, ungrateful bitch! You thought if I don't have your love then I will wallow and die! You thought that, didn't you?! Look at yourself in the mirror, What did I didn't give up?! My name was the biggest achievement and no woman could have it but you. You got my undivided, unshared, solely yours time and everything that counts but of course you couldn't see beyong your hatred and anger for me! I thought you are different and I treated you better than any other woman. I gave you everything but if you don't value that then there isn't an unlucky woman like you in this whole world. Now listen to me I am going to set you free and give you the chance to live the way you want! We will have a DIVORCE and then after eight months I will take my child from you since you will be busy being the independent woman you want to be. Not just that you brought me to tears, you rejected me now see how I make you cry every single day. I will bring another girl and take her to my room right in front of your eyes, I will fuck her! How about that, baby?!"

Of course I didn't mean any of it. I had no intention whatsoever to divorce Radhika or even cheat on her for that matter. I was just trying to hurt her so she would feel the pain, she put me through. I wanted to see her cry tears of agony! At that moment I was so determined to hurt my wife that I forgot that she was with a child and I was doing an unforgivable sin! I was so heated up with black fury that I killed my conscience.

I turned around and climbed down the staircase. When I almost reached the bottom state, I heard her scream in a way that she never did before! It was as if she was dying and she was screaming for help! I turned back towards her and my eyes widened seeing the repercussion of my terrible deed.

She was lying on the fourth step on her stomach, pressing it and with one outstretched hand, she was calling me," Arjunnnnn."


I bolted towards her like a flash of lightening. I took her in my arms as I made her lay her head on my lap.

Fuck! Please God if you are there please don't punish Radhika and my baby for all my wrong doings. Please don't take her away. I beg you, God please let them live.

"Please Radhika, baby please don't close your eyes....I am sorry, I am very story, I didn't mean what I said." I tried to keep her from fainting.

"Divorce..." She croaked in a hurt tone.

No baby never! I am so so sorry.

"No never!" I embraced her tightly but when I felt that her body was limp in my arms that's when panic seared through me. It felt as if not blood but fear was flowing through my veins.

I lifted her via bridal style and took her to the car without waiting to inform any of the family or my bodyguards. That was the longest car ride of my life. I took her to the nearest hospital. Thankfully Dr Anita was free to treat her. I trust her more than any other doctor.

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