Chapter 69

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Arjun's POV (continued)

After we all have settled in, I order someone to heat the milk. This is something we have followed right from the day I got to know my baby is pregnant. She hates it but she has to suck it up. I take the glass of milk to my room in one hand and push open the door with another hand. I see wifey is all smiles in the bed perhaps waiting for me to join her in the bed. Soon darling but first you must have your milk.

I give her the glass,"Baby here is your milk now common down in one go."

This has become my standard line since one month. I always hand her the glass of milk and say the same thing every time. She is starting her second month now so we have to pay  attention to the diet she takes.

"I don't feel like drinking it today." She gives me a fleeting pout.

I almost give in everyday but then my eyes travel down to her baby bump and I restrain myself from falling for those puppy eyes and cute pouts she makes.

"That you say everyday but you know you have to."

"Can I please skip this today?! Just for today please." She is giving me those cute puppy dog eyes but I will not budge from my responsibility.

"No you know it's not happening so stop making faces and down in one go." I make her hold the glass.

"Arjun..." She starts to protest but I don't spare her a chance as I thrust the glass of milk in her sassy mouth and hold the back of her head so she cannot escape.  She finally starts drinking and I sign. I always have to do this or she won't drink it all by herself but it's okay anything for my baby.

Once she is done l let go of both her hand and head. I give her a winning smirk, "See you create fuss over this unnecessarily everyday." I say as I  place the now empty glass on the side table.

She sits all put out and doesn't even wipe the corners of her lips that have remnants of milk. She looks like a cute kitten right now. Only difference is cats love milk and my baby hates it. I wipe her mouth with the back of my hand. This is so amazing and unreal at the same time. Have I ever taken care of someone so much?! I haven't even taken care of myself that much but I love looking after her. She is so precious to me just like a doll is to a little girl.

She eyes me with ire," I hate you." She shows me her index finger to insinuate that she is angry, very angry!

Well I will not take this insolent attitude for ensuring her welfare and health. I am just doing what is best for her and my baby, ain't I?!

"Really?! Let's see what you hate me for?! For taking care of you and my child. Is that so baby?! Then you can hate me as much as you want but I will do what I am supposed to do." I give her a smug smile.

I thought we will have sex but then she is angry so I discard the idea. Although I know I can have her under my mercy and make her beg for a release but then I am angry too. I don't like it when she gives me attitude like that. She is going to be a mother. Shouldn't she think about the child first?!

I lie down next to her and close my eyes. I am so fucking hard and it's difficult to sleep without fucking. Just as I am about to turn my back on her, she snuggles in my chest. My first thought is to still turn my back on her and let her feel guilty for the rest of the night but then when I look at those brown eyes and well sculpted mouth, I give in. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer until we are nose to nose. I

"So you don't hate me anymore." I husked. 

"I don't hate you it's just that I am starting to feel you are treating me like a child rather than your wife." She says.

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