Chapter 32

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Radhika's POV

"You look...." He paused," Even better than what I had imagined in my head." He forwarded his hand to place mine in his.

"But I think something is missing." He said as he looked me up and down, scrutinizing each and every inch of me.

I looked down as I suddenly felt nervous, shy and coy with the way he was staring at me without even blinking his eyes!

"Turn around." He said, his eyes holding me prisoner.

I did as I was told and I gasped when a sparkling diamond necklace was spread around my neck," This is too much...."

"Shut up!" He said harshly.

He wants to gift me diamonds but can't he be nice to me?!

"Do you like it?!" He asked me, turning me towards him.

"Its gorgeous but it's too heavy." I said honestly.

"It has to have weight if my wife is going to wear it! You think I will let my wife wear some cheap jewellery?!" He asked me, looking straight into my eyes.

But all I heard was my wife! It filled my chest with so much warmth and joy when he addressed me as his wife and not with a tone of hatred but with pride in his tone. It gave me hope that things will get better with time.

He leaned in to kiss me and I closed my eyes but he whispered against my lips," You look beautiful! Don't think you are getting the liberty to talk to other people in the party. If I see you, even glancing at another man let alone talking, then you know what I can do to this beautiful body!"

I shivered under his words but he did not give me any time to react as he slammed his lips on mine, kissing me ferociously. He pushed me in a corner of the wall, leaning me against the wall, he kept kissing me with fervor. My hands travelled to his shoulder blades to support myself as his assault on my lips was making me lose my balance.

He broke the kiss and wiped the tears that streamed down my cheeks," Don't cry and spoil your look. If you behave like a good wife and don't give me shit, I promise I will be nice to you but if you defy....."

"I will try to be the wife you want." I continued shyly," I am so happy that you are giving us a chance. I will not take this trust for granted."

"You better not." He hugged me and ran his hands down my back and even my ass. My God! He was feeling me up!

"This dress fits you like a glove. I can't wait to take this off you tonight." He husked in my ears.

"I think we should just skip this party and stay under covers?!" He suggested, placing feathery kisses on my neck.

And have sex, lots and lots of sex! I don't think so I want that right now.

"I want to go please...." I pleaded with him.

He cupped my face tenderly," Fine! We will go but beware of the people there. They are not exactly nice people, don't wander around alone and don't talk to people. You are far too innocent to understand what lies behind plastic smiles." He warned me.

Was this some sort of caution?! He looked so serious when he was talking to me. Was he warning me about something in the party?! It didn't mattered because I know he won't leave me alone even for a second and I was overjoyed to see him worried for me when this was the same man who was hell bent on hurting me! Is this some sort of dream?!

"You worry a lot, Arjun."

I want him to calm down.

He cuts me off," Of course I will worry, You are my wife."

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