Chapter 7- Marry Me

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Rehan entered the huge villa  which had no sign of light. He couldn't  help but think of all the creepy  negative  things that could have happened to his daughter. Though  he was one shit of a man but still he loved his children and Radhika was the little  star that brightened his whole world. She was like a little precious rose petal he protected with his life. He had lived in fear of her getting harmed since the day she was born. He recalled  the  words of the woman whose life he had destroyed. Martha's words always ringed in his ears whenever  he looked at his little girl who he seemed to  love more than anything  in this world.


Martha was taking her last breaths. She was in so much of pain that she couldn't  comply how much. She was lying on the floor all bare for the prying eyes of the males who had fucked her like a whore and killed her soul.

Rehan laughed darkly," Serves you right bitch. Had you accepted  my proposal of being my mistress then you wouldn't be going through all this."

She snarled fire blazing in her beautiful bottle green eyes," It's better to die rather than being your submissive slut."

He kneeled down to  her eye level and squeezed her bare breast which had bite marks all over them with such cruelty that she yelped in pain,"After being fucked by tons of men you are anything but holy. You are a whore and this name suits you like you were born to be this one day. And about dying then I'll make sure you breath your last today."

She shot back," Yah I have no wish to live after all this but one day you'll  pay a deadly price for all this. The fate you enforced on me will be enforced on your dear ones."

"What the fuck do you mean bitch?!"

"I know your wife is pregnant  and I pray to God that she  gives birth to a daughter.  Then you'll  understand what it is to be a father of a daughter. You destroyed many lives did you ever think that even those innocent girls you kept as your mistresses were someone's  daughters. Nothing is more painful for a father to see tears in his daughter's eyes. Your own daughter  will pay for  your sins one day. She'll  also suffer the hell I went through because of you. She'll also be humiliated off limits like me. You'll  see her  burning to ashes in front of your own eyes But you won't  be able to  do anything about  it. Then you'll understand  the pain of my father and all other fathers whose daughters life you destroyed. She'll have one hell of life. I curse your race to cease to exist. God always listens to a wounded, broken, shattered heart and the cry which comes out of such a heart becomes a prophecy. My words will come true one day. You just wait and watch."

He clenched  his fist hard and his eyes darkened with anger and in a flash of heartbeat he kicked her in her stomach to which she winced loudly.

He stood up with a head held high and declared," You fucking whore if I ever have a  daughter she'll  never suffer the fate you suffered. You know why?! Because  she will be the Rehan Mishra's daughter not some shit like you."

Martha spoke in a weak  tone that couldn't  be heard by anyone,"You wait for the wheel  of time to show its magic. I am hell sure my words will come true one day."

Just then the buzzing sound of his phone in his pocket interrupted  the  dead silence  of the room. He pulled it out and brought it closer to his ear.

"It's  a girl, Sir."His man said.

His happiness  knew no bounds at that moment. He felt he was the happiest man on the earth. He was blessed with  a angel who he loved before he saw her. Though  he was a sinner but still Radhika's birth brought a delightful light in his dark sinister world.

His fear multiplied when his little princess had grown into a beautiful woman just like her mother and to keep her away from all the prying eyes he had locked in one room of his large house.

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