Chapter 29

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Arjun's POV

"Are you making love to me, Arjun?!"

Her question knocked the wind out of my lungs! I would be a big fat liar if I said I was fucking her and this was nothing but cold, empty sex! The truth was what I knew but I was emasculated to say it on her face.

I don't make love! I fuck hard!

Those were my words and now it felt as if they vanished in thin air!

I looked away from her hopeful eyes as I could not look into those eyes and lie. I contemplated saying nothing but the way she was staring at me, waiting patiently troubled me.

She is nothing like me! She was so good, so pure, so true nothing like her fucking father! How could a man like him even father a daughter like her?! Pure good! No evil, no jealousy, no meaness, no deceit, just good.

She made me want things I never thought about in my entire life. Things I always stayed away from, I disregarded them and thought of them as weakness. She was like sweet poison and she made me want to consume her, all of her!

" I guess I am, you wanted me to make love to you so...." I stopped because I didn't know what else to say.

"You fulfilled my wish?!" Her eyes lit up with joy!

"No I did what I did for myself! I wanted to see what is so great about making love." I stated rudely.

"You have not made love to any..." She asked me pensively.

Love is for fools! I have grown up hearing this so very often from Mark that it is instilled in me to not care, to not feel anything and to be so cold that not even a strand of humanity touches my inner being! The only thing that he couldn't flush out of my system was my love for Sam and Mariam. Other than that I and he are the basically the same.

"Now what did I tell you in the morning?! I must say you are very forgetful!" I taunted her.

"Then why me?! Why did you feel that you should make love to me?!" She asked me upfront.

I didn't had the answer to her question so I made up something in my head that will not disappoint her.

"You are my wife. Now no more questions. Go to sleep. We have a party to attend tomorrow." I gave her a kiss and turned over to the other side.

"Come here."

I invited her to sleep in my arms like she snuggles closer to me every night when I watch her sleep peacefully. I can never sleep like her so peacefully, with so much serenity on her face. Even the slightest movement around me can wake me up but she sleeps like a log. She will not wake up even if I touched her or kissed her in the middle of the night.

" I still like fucking the daylights out of you but we can do this sometimes. It's not so bad."

I still enjoy fucking because it takes my mind off things that I stress myself about, it's a part of my make up now and it's inseparable from me now but what happened between us today was different and beyond words! It was as if we were one person and not two different people but united on some deep level.

She cupped my face," Are you playing me, Arjun?!"

Playing you?! I think what I did last time is still fresh in her memory but last time was different and now when I have come so close to her and I did not mean sex but something else which is beyond sex!

I have allowed her close to me and I never let people come close to me neither do I open upto people. It just happened so organically but I am still a man true to my principles and what I believe in. We can start over on a good note maybe but she should stay in her limits and not push me to be someone I am not.

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