Chapter 101

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Arjun's POV

I instructed the cook to make a hot chocolate just the way my sister likes it. I know hot chocolate is not going to put out the fire I started because Sam was still giving me a cold shoulder but hey, I know my sister better than she knows herself so I know I am going to fix this.

Radhika is such a worrier, she kept emphasizing on anger is the root of all evils and I should control it. I have been ordered to keep a check on my words and that's what I am going to do.

I knocked on my Sister's door, a rule I follow religiously from the time she got her first period. Man! That time was a pain in my ass!

"Come in."

I recognized from her voice that she has been crying and it hurts to accept the fact that I am responsible for those tears.

"I brought you hot chocolate."

"Why? I didn't ask you to and I don't want to talk to you so please leave me alone."

Man, I am a Mafia man. I kill, torture, make beautiful cuts on people's body but this girl here could talk back to me and get away with it because I love her so much and she takes advantage of that love by all means.

I placed the cup on the side table and got seated on her bed beside her," I know you don't want to talk to me and I know you are angry with me but you have to understand that this was a shock to me. My own best friend and my sister! What the fuck were you thinking?! That I will throw a party?!"

She kept quiet but I knew she was breathing fire so I calmed myself down.

"Sammy, when you were born, your mother said that it's such an unfortunate thing that she is never going to have Father's love but I told her that she will have her big brother who will love her more than his own life. I did love you more than my own life and I protected you from everything and everyone that would cause any kind of harm to you."

"You know when you say things like these, it gets difficult to be mad at you but I am not happy with you right now."

"Sam, show me one man that is okay with his sister dating a manwhore?"

She frowned, "You were one...."

"I am the biggest hypocrite ever, see what I might do if I have a daughter but the point is that I won't deny the fact that Mathew is someone I trust with my life and he knows I will kill him if he ever breaks your heart."

"So we are okay?" She asked smilingly.

"Well there are rules that you have to follow."

"Hey! I am an adult and I don't need to follow any rules!"

"Then have fun being single and in your own bed for the rest of your life."

"God! You are so mean!"

"First rule, no sex and I mean it. How long are you guys going to date before you marry?"

"Bhai, that's none of your business!"

I smirked, "I asked you nicely, you want me to ask him and I promise I won't be so nice."

"Fine he thinks I need to make a career and he doesn't want marriage to distract me from my career."

"Well you can have a career after marriage but of course it's upto you. Mathew makes a lot of money so in case you...."

She cuts me off,"No! I want a career and he is fine with it."

"Fine, he can stay with us if you are going to marry him."

"I don't get a say in this?"

"No you don't, look Sam I am not going to relinquish you to him, I am going to share you. Let him be a part of your life but he can't take my sister away from me plus I am building our home again so there will be plenty of room for two of you and any children that you might...."

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