Chapter 73

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Radhika's POV

"Leave me Rahil, leave me please let me go." I struggled against his strong hold.

"Who the fuck asked you to shoot, you fucking piece of shit!" Veer screamed asked his man.

That man didn't reply anything but just stood quietly with his eyes cast on the floor.

"Now take him away, will you?!" Veer ushered a command in a tone full of ire.

My heart broke into thousand pieces when I saw a man covering his face dragging Arjun away. It felt as if my own heart was ripped out of my chest and I couldn't breath. The pain I felt was so immense that I felt as my whole body was lit on a pyre. I was alive, breathing still but I was dead already.

"You are lucky that you are my sister otherwise you too would be lying dead like your fucking husband." Rahil said in a venomous tone.

I looked at him with fiery eyes," Then kill me!" I looked at him with so much hatred that I couldn't believe I could hate someone so much that too my own brother.

He caressed my cheek," I wish I could but then my mind takes me back to the time when I first held you in my arms when you were only a day old and how I promised myself that I will always protect you and somehow I realise that I can only threaten to kill you but I cannot kill you no matter how much shame you have brought to us."

I jerked off his hand," Shame?! I have brought shame to our family?! I wasn't the one to get Arjun's mom raped by my men! I wasn't the one to make life a living hell for a little boy and for several others! I wasn't the one to seduce Arjun to kidnap me! I wasn't the one to beg him to have sex with me and plant his seed in me!" I paused and continued in a raging tone," if you even feel even an inch of the suffering I have gone through, you won't be able to bear it for the life of you!"

"Is that so darling?! Then you should be happy. He is dead and you are finally free!" Veer said in an enthused tone.

"Free?! I didn't wanted to be free from him ever! I loved him...." I choked on my words as I realised this is it! Everything is over! I couldn't even tell him how much I loved him. I will never be able to. Here, I am confessing my love in front of this worthless people who snatched him away from me forever. How stupid am I! Everything is over! Radhika, you are screwed and now no one can save you.

"So as per the deal we had, you get your father and I get Arjun's everything. His enormous wealth and limitless power and his beloved wife!" Veer laughed sickly as he looked me in the eye.

"You think you will get away with what you did?! No! Never! I will tell everyone the truth. I will tell them that you killed their king. Every man of Arjun is loyal to him. They will not spare you, you swine!" I clenched the words between my gnashing teeth as I glared at him fiercely.

"Really baby?! That's your plan then I must say it's a very stupid idea." He pulled out a sharp object from his pocket and pressed the pointed edge against my baby bump," What if I kill this baby before it even sees the face of earth?! You want your child dead?! What a bad mother!" He mocked me.

He pressed the knife against my belly and I winced," No please no please." I whimpered as I struggled to get free from his vice grip.

"That's like my good girl." He pats my cheek lightly." Now listen carefully, from today from this moment itself, I am Arjun and dare you to even breath a word to anyone about me not being Arjun. If you doublecross me Radhika, I swear I will kill your baby and you will be left with nothing. I know this baby means everything to you so if you want your child to live then you seal your lips tight other wise." He pressed the pointed end more into my belly but I caught his hand to prevent him from doing so.

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