Chapter 80

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Arjun's POV

I was waiting impatiently for the updates. I need to know what the fuck is happening there. Our informer enters and bows down in front of me in respect. I nod and he forwards an envelope which I hurridly snatch from him. I open it and there are pictures of Veer in Mehra enterprises, him meeting Rehan and Rahil. Fucker! Will stop at nothing, I just want to tear him to piceses or maybe throw him in a hungry lion's cage and watch him get devoured by that lion. I see the last picture and my eyes flame with murderous rage.

My Radhika in Veer's arms! What the fuck is happening there, I fucking can't believe what I am seeing.

"What the fuck is this?!" I roar as I threw that picture on his face.

"Your highness, I clicked what I saw." He answers.

"Arjun, I am sure there is some missunderstanding in here. Radhika is not that kind of girl." Mathew intervenes as he speaks in support of Radhika.

I keep quiet as I am so fucking pissed that I can't think straight. I trust her, I keep repeating this words to myself but my nasty imagination runs wild showing me visuals of my Radhika with that fucker. God! I swear, I trust her but I don't want to think about these things.

"Tell us what happened there." Mark interrogated.

"I was far from them so I couldn't hear anything but I saw him holding her Highness's hand." The informer replies in a dutiful tone.

"I don't believe this, she can't do this, my Radhika will never do this." I say in an unflinching tone.

Radhika will never forget that night when I showed her my worst, of course I have done far more nasty things to others but Radhika was shaking like a leaf that night. I can't believe she has let herself forget that night so easily.

Mark turns to my side,"Don't take me wrong, Son but with no clue about you and what might have happened to you, whether you are alive or not, she must have been so heartbroken and alone. He has your face and...."

I cut him off fumingly,"And what?! He is not me, He just has my fucking face but we are two different people, she knows and she has seen it too."

Radhika isn't like Lily, is she?!

"But Arjun, it must be so hard to live alone plus to have your husband's looklike right in front of you reminding you of him."

Fuck! Mark, stop fucking with me!

"I will not hear a word more about this, I know my Radhika is not like that, she can never do this! I trust her and I will wait for her to clear things." I say in a firm tone.

"And if your trust proves wrong then?! If she is really with Veer then what will you do, still take her back because you love her?!" He asked me as he stared into my fiery eyes.

Take her back?! He is gotta be kidding with me, he knows me since I use to wear diapers and he is asking me this.

"I will fucking never take her back if she has let that fucker touch her body.
She will be soiled if that has already happened and Arjun doesn't touch dirt! As for what I will do then Mark, you fucking know well what I do with traitors so you don't have to ask me that." I clench the words between my teeth.

Fuck! Its fucking killing me from inside to even think about washing my hands off her even if she cheats on me but I know I will do it because I am a man of self pride and my word. The thought of not seeing that innocent face that hides in my chest every night and not waking up to the same face is as good as being blind and not seeing anything! Not looking in those big hazel brown eyes will kill me bit by bit! I cannot even stand the thought of her with another man, I am too much of a jealous, possessive and a controlling ass. I know her worth and I know other men can see it too.

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