Chapter 82

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Arjun's POV

I can't wait any longer, I have to go there and we can't push it forward anymore. The beast inside me is growing wild with each passing minute, I want to just tear that fucker apart. I will make sure I give him a very painful death. First I will scoop his eyes out then I will slice off that fiesty tongue and later I will cut the hand that touched my Radhika.

I am in my car right now and we have almost reached home. My men in the house already know that the one in the house is not their King, its all our plan to trap him. I have also send Mary away because I didn't wanted her to be hurt. She must have left pulling some excuse. We are going to have a big showdown but first I need to send my Radhika away to a safe place. I cannot put her and my baby's life at risk, I have to think about them first.

I jump out of the car on my own without waiting for the driver to open the door for me. I enter inside from the main door and my men follow me with Mark and Mathew by my side.

I smirk when I see everything is so quiet as if its a funeral but I know its the peace and calm before the storm, I have brought along with me but my smirk is soon replaced by a murderous rage that takes over me when I see Veer threatening my  Radhika and she looked so pale and distraught as if she will faint any moment.

"Game over, bastard." I screamed at him in unadulterated rage, pointing my gun at him.

His eyes turned as big as saucers as they trained on me, fear evident in them but I knew the fucker wasn't the one to give up so easily. He pulled out a knife and jerked Radhika in front of him, creating a impenetrable shield in front of him.

"Arjun." A smile crept on her face, her face was a give away of how happy she was from inside to see me.

"Arjun!" Her scream echoed in my ear as I felt scared to death.

"You are a fucking coward! First Lily now Radhika, no wonder you are a lowborn whore's son! Hiding behind a woman's skirts, and you want to be a king?!" I rebuked him.

"Shut up or I will kill her!" He threatened.

"Fight me like a man if you are one! Oh sorry, I forgot you aren't one because if you were, you wouldn't have to use two women to shield your sorry ass." I took a jibe at him.

"Shut up! I said, shut the fuck up!"

"Let her go, fight me like a man and if you win, everything is yours, everything you ever wanted. This crown, the name, the prestige of being Arnav Mehra's son, this mansion, everything you ever dreamed of."

"You promise?!" He asked me viciously.

"I swear over my wife." I smiled at Radhika whose face had turned white with fear.

"No! Arjun, no please don't do this. What about our baby?!" She cried asked me.

I ignored her pleas and continued," Let her go, you have my word."

"Fine. Let's fight man to man and if I win, everything that is yours will be mine."

"Give me a moment with my wife."

"Don't forget your promise or the world will say that Arjun Mehra is not a man of his word." He announced and left us alone.

Her eyes filled with unshed tears of pain and agony.  She limped towards me and when my gaze travelled down, realisation dawned upon  me that she was injured.

When she reached me, everything froze I felt the time stopped at that moment, everything and everyone ceased it was just the two of us, me and her lost in each other. Tears formed in the back of my eyes and if I had not learned to gulp them down over the years, I would be a crying mess. There was so much I wanted to say and so much I wanted to hear but none of us broke the ice.

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