Chapter 94

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Arjun's Pov

I changed in to a new shirt and pair of jeans, almost tripping while putting them on. Fuck! I am excited and distracted at the same time. I can't sit still as I keep pacing back and forth waiting for Radhika to come out of the closet.

She finally comes out dressed in white, a color that suits her the best but I frowned when I discover that my short wife has grown couple of inches taller. She wore the fucking heels! Seriously?!
It's okay, Arjun, it's okay start with a compliment and then tell her to take off those damn heels.

" You look beautiful baby but...." I tell her, it's true that she does look gorgeous but she should abandon the heels.

" Take off the heels." I tell her as politely as I could and I knew she is going to fight with me.

"No, I don't want to look like a Lilliput in front of you."

Keep it together, keep it together.....
Arjun, be nice or else she will start crying.

I couldn't help myself from rolling my eyes at her,"Well too bad, you already are one and you are not wearing heels while you are five months pregnant. I mean, seriously where the fuck is your common sense gone?!" I ask her.

"I will be careful and you are there so...."

She has fallen down the stairs before and thank God, nothing happened to her or the baby. What the hell is wrong with her?! How can she be so vain to not care about the baby and prioritiz her need for validation over hers and baby's health!

"What if you fell, Radhika?! What if you fell on your stomach or on your back?! What if you fall and break your neck?!"

My temper rises and I know I am this close to lose my shit! Fuck! Radhika just listen for once!

"I feel short and fat." She looks down like a guilty little girl, scared and unsure of herself.

I don't think so its just the need for validation, its something else.

"Firstly you are short and secondly you are not fat. I think you only say this because you love hearing it from me that you are not fat." I tell her and she doesn't take it too well.

"That's not true, it's just I feel short in front of you, I mean you are so tall..."

I smirked, "Thank you for the compliment, baby."

Did she got to know today that I am tall?! Like seriously?!

She stares at me pointedly,"You are so evil! I wasn't complimenting you...."

Arjun, no mockery, no rude comments and especially no sarcasm! Fuck that's one my favorite but a man's gotta do what he has to do and this man has to knock some sense in the wife's head.

"I know, I was just teasing you don't worry baby, listen to me and then decide for yourself what you want to do." I walked closer to her and turned her to the mirror behind.

"Go ahead."

"So is wearing heels going to add few inches to your height for real?! I mean just think about it, you aren't going to get tall then why torture your feet?! What if you fell?! What if you sprained your ankle?! Think about the complications that might..." I abandon my words there because I cannot even think about those things.

"I get it, I am sorry I was just being vain, you are right I need to think about the baby." She apologizes to me and steps out of those damn heels but I see the sadness in her eyes which doesn't sit well with me.

She is such a beautiful girl with such a good heart and I don't understand where this insecurity and low self esteem comes from?!

She gives me a fake smile, trying to mimic her real one but I could see right through it.

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