Chapter 102

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Radhika's POV

I waited for him at the dinner table but he didn't come. I ate my dinner quietly with Mariam aunty as Sam had already eaten with Mathew so she wasn't here. I was feeling sleepy after eating but I wanted to wait. He never comes home this late nowadays, so now I am a bit worried.

I switched off the lights and got inside the covers. He will be home in some time, something must have come up. I assured myself and tried to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I signed in relief when I saw the door being pushed open and there he stood in all his fine glory.

"You are awake." It sounded more like a statement then a question.

"I was waiting for you." I replied.

"You should have slept, it's already 1 in the night."

"I can't sleep without you."

He smiled his heartachingly beautiful smile, hearing my words and climbed up on the bed, sitting next to me.

I leaned closer to him and cupped his face, as I kissed him softly telling him how much I loved him. He kissed me back madly, passionately and ardently taking me under him. He ran his hands over my body and I smiled surrendering myself to him.

Out of the blue he pulled back," Let's just sleep."

I frowned,"Why? Are you okay?"

"No just not in the mood, let's sleep." His tone, crisp and cold filled me with worry.

His tone was so cold and dismissive that it hurt me instantly. He usually talks to me in a deep, husky voice filled with so much depth of his feelings for me.

"Is something bothering you?"

He looked at me and smiled," No, baby nothing is bothering me."

I scooted closer to him and placed my head on his chest wrapping my hand around his midriff," Are you telling me the truth?"

He carressed my head," Of course. Why would I lie to you?"

Yes, you don't lie. You are many things but not a liar. You always have been honest with me, good, bad, worst. You have never been two-faced.

"Do you miss going out?"

I lifted my face up from his chest, " Sometimes I do, but I know it's not safe and I am paranoid about getting in trouble again. I don't want anything to happen to the baby."

I still get chills when I think about what we faced in the last three months. I could have even miscarried with all the stress and tension I was dealing with, but somehow God was kind to us but I will not take that for granted.

"Nothing is going to happen to you or the baby." He assured me.

"I know, you won't let anything happen to us ever." I said honestly.

He kissed my forehead, " I thought it would be nice for us to go out for sometime. I mean you told me about how you used to go out and have fun after college. You told me that after college you felt like you were imprisoned in your house."

"I did feel like that." I nodded in agreement.

I only tasted Freedom for real when I was in college other that that, I have always lived like a caged bird.

"I don't want you to feel like that here...."

I cut him off," I don't feel like that here, I have you and I have our family with me. I have Mariam aunty who loves me like her own daughter then there is Sam who is like the sister I never had. I am also very excited for the baby to be here, he will complete our family."

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