Chapter 104

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Arjun's POV

I chose to drive myself to the graveyard today because it just felt good to roll down the window at the side, feel the breeze fanning my face and finally feel free after all these, free of the burden that I had been carrying all these years. I had avenged my mother, I had punished the man who took her away from me.

It was time to apologize to another man who I know meant well, who loved me even though never showed it to me but I knew he loved me. Mark, the man who I will always be indebted to for all the sacrifices he did for me. Some, I might even not know about.

I pulled in next to the parking lot near the graveyard and got out of the car. As I walked inside, my eyes looked for him until my gaze halted on him who had bent down to kiss someone's name written on the tomb. Years ago, he just told me someone he loved dearly died and he forbaded me to talk about it.

"Jennifer Mary D'cruz'

I read the letters loud to gain his attention and he turned his face to me.
I was shocked when I saw real tears in his eyes, I had never seen him cry, never!

I sat on the ground beside him, I didn't know how to comfort him. It's so easy to comfort women when they cry, but it's so difficult to comfort a man when he cries especially if it's another man doing it.

"How far along was she?"

"Seven months." He said in a low tone.

I gasped loudly and I was feeling breathless all of a sudden, I felt the hair on my back stand up as I felt a chill down my spine.

"She was good, perhaps the sweetest girl I ever met. You know why I don't like your wife? Not because she is that asshole's daughter but because she reminds me of Jenny, my Jenny!"

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"We were having a boy, just like you. I had planned everything, I was going to leave this life, and start afresh with her. We were so happy, I can't even tell you."

He looked up at the sky as if reminsing those happy memories.

"Then what happened?"

"They took her away from me! They tried to blackmail me that if I want her alive, I will have to hand you over to them. I had promised your mother that I would keep you safe at any cost. Your Father had died recently, I was all you had. How could I do it?!"

"You know what that fucking bastard did to her?"


"What?!" I gasped loudly.



He had tears streaming down his cheeks as he touched the name of his beloved. He took a deep breath, controlling himself," I buried him with my own hands beside her! Every father dreams about holding his baby for the first time, no one ever thinks that he might just have to bury his own child....."


He calmed himself down as he sucked in a deep breath," I failed her! I failed my baby! I never could look at myself in the mirror without being ashamed of myself."

"That night along with her and my baby, I died too! I killed my heart, I killed every shred of humanity inside me."

Hearing him tell me everything he never told a soul, I felt as if ferocious lion was gnawing at my heart and I felt unbearable pain. I couldn't touch and show where I felt it but it was tremendous!

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