Chapter 27

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Arjun's POV

I kissed her roughly biting her lips drawing out blood and she tried to push me but I kept her still.

She whimpered," It hurts."

I sucked her blood and licked her lips to soothe her pain," As it should when you fill your head with clutter."

"We don't have time for a quickie now because of you." I taunted her.

"You are insatiable! Can't you function for few hours without sex?!"

"I can't because I love sex and you might blame it all on me but you enjoy it too." I teased her.

"No! I don't enjoy anything it's all you..."

"Really?! Want a repeat of morning here?!" I challenged her.

"You have no shame..."

"You are my wife and what's wrong in that?! Stop being so prude there is nothing wrong in me wanting to fuck my wife all the time."

"Will you stop with the dirty talk?! You are corrupting me!"

"Then let me corrupt you completely." I said as I slammed my lips on her. I broke the kiss and dived in her neck to place deep, sloppy kisses there. I bit into her skin and she winced as I dropped hickeys here and there. I should stop biting her because we had to do down for dinner and how much she can possibly hide but I was tempted to make her skin red and leave lovebites wherever I could.

I slide the sleeves of her blouse a bit down and that's when she was alarmed by my intentions actually I had no intentions to fuck her here out in open. I just wanted to play with her a little but she clearly was not having any of it.

"Not here!" She pushed me away.

"Yeah, I" I pulled her close and pecked her lips lightly for one last time,"I want you to wait for me in our room after dinner. Wear red"

Inspite of her protest, I could see the reddish hue on her face and the eyes that lowered in alluring shyness took my breath away.

I intertwined our fingers," Let's go they must be waiting for us at the dinning table."

I looked at Radhika who was seated on my right and Sam who was on my left. Mariam beside Sam and Mark was seated on the opposite side of the large table. He doesn't like to mingle so much with Sam and Mariam and Radhika was out of question.

The menu was shrimps, chicken and rice and for the vegetarian, it was just paneer kababs and dal rice. My wife was the only vegetarian by the way and she did not particularly like how we ate non veg daily for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Mark looked at me," What have you thought about Sheikh's proposal?!"

My blood boiled at his words! He surely chose the worst time of all to discuss this when I had made my stand clear on this.

"We will talk in the study later." I replied not giving much away.

"He called me today, complaining that you are ignoring his calls, mails and messages. He could be a good ally to us if we...."

"Mark!" I raised my voice now because I clearly was not just mad but palm twichingly mad at him," What part of we will talk in the study, do you don't understand?!"

"Arjun, keep your voice down I am talking for your own good." He slammed his fist on the table.

"And you can't talk for my own good in the study?! For the last time I don't want to discuss this right now."

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