Chapter 56

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Arjun's POV

I woke up early as usual but today something is different from my routine. I woke up happy as a clam. I turned to my priceless possession hidden under the blankets. She has pulled it over her head in the middle of the night. I fear that she might feel claustrophobic inside so I lowered the blanket to her collarbone. I hovered over her and kissed her forehead. My baby has gone through a lot yesterday because of me and Lily. Yes even I am to be blamed for being so witless in Lily's case. Had I been more smart than last night's disaster  could have been avoided but I was so lost in Radhika's smile that I never thought for once that I have to make her happy smile last forever. I feel consumed with rage when I think of Lily. I hope I don't shoot her at sight. She had no right to make Radhika cry only I have right over Radhika's tears. All her emotions should be centred around me.

I showered and got ready for my hectic day. There are a couple of business deals that need my attention. Owing to my oversight since last few days, I have lost one important deal and if I make more blunders then Mark will have my nuts on platter. He has warned me to not lose my focus but I have been splurging all my attention on my beautiful wife.

I headed downstairs but Mariam standing on the bottom step caught my attention. She looked upset for something. She has been like a second mother to me after my mamma's sad demise so I always feel responsible towards her. She is family after all.

"Arjun, we need to talk." She said in a clipped tone. Somehow by instinct I know I have signed up for some ass kicking lecture. I don't follow everything she says but I do listen to whatever she has to say. She is mamma's sister at the end of the day.

"I know what happened yesterday, Arjun." She says quietly. One thing about Mariam is that even in the worst situation she never loses her cool. She is always calm and composed.

"How?!" I manage to utter. She gave me a shock.

"Arjun, your voice was through the roof when you were with Lily inside your study." She informs me. God! The aftereffects of yesterday's haphazard won't let me live in peace.

I rake my hand through my head in fury,"Mariam, I am sorry that you heard it. I just want to clear that there is nothing between me and Lily and I..."

She breaks in on me,"I know that Son but what is that vile woman still doing in our house?!"

"I can't just send her packing. She has no family. You know her father died years ago and she has no one to look up to." I try a subtle approach. I can't just bark out orders in front of Mariam like I do in front of others, can I?!

"I know she is your friend but I don't care what happens to her after the stunt she pulled on you last night. I just care about Radhika and her baby. Don't you see it Arjun, that godawful woman is a threat to Radhika?!" She asks me in an exasperated tone.

I know it's her protectiveness towards Radhika that has made her speak before me without mincing her words. Radhika has that kind of aura that wherever she goes, she wins over the people and they simply become her fan.

"I know that and I am not stupid to not know that. It's just that if I wash my hands off Lily then where will she go?!" I try to explain  her.

"I don't know, Arjun and if I were to be honest, I don't care. Radhika is family, she is not! I am only concerned about Radhika and you promised that you will do everything to keep her happy." She tells me in a firm tone.

"Mariam, I know what I promised and I will stand by it. I just need some time to think and come up with an alternative for Lily." I tell her sternly. This means end of discussions. I will not have anyone go against me in my house.

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