Chapter 103

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Radhika's POV

When I woke up, I was on our bed, in our room and my head throbbed. I looked around myself only to find Arjun sitting on a chair beside the bed with his one feet resting on his another thigh.

"What happened? My head hurts so bad..." I touched my forehead and combed my hair back that were disturbing my vision.

He got up from his chair," I know, I know baby."

I frowned," That man, he covered my mouth and then everything went just went blank!"

I looked down at my protruding baby bump to check if the baby was okay. He was okay, yes he was okay. I can feel it, I can feel him under my fingers.

"I was that man who made you unconscious." He said as he got up from the chair and took a seat beside me.

My eyes widened in shock at his revelation as I stared at him with tears of hurt and pain.

"But why? Why did you do this? Do you have any idea how scared I was?! Why would you do something....."

He cut me off,"To keep you safe, I wanted you out of the mall but I didn't had time to answer your questions. We planned this to get Rehan and Rahil out of their hiding because I knew they would come out if they see you."

I stared at him, shocked and pained that he lied to me,"You lied to me yesterday! How could you?! You made me think everything was okay...."

"I did what I had to for you and about lying then it was for your own good. I didn't had fun lying to you, I didn't sleep the whole night thinking about what would happen tomorrow."

"Why didn't you just tell me the truth?!"

"You would have insisted to stay with me and I didn't wanted you there at any cost. Don't you remember what happened last time? I was brought down to my knees because your fucking brother had you on gunpoint."

"So what happened?!" I asked him.

He narrated everything to me and my eyes widened in shock as I trembled in fear. Oh God! Thank God, my Father didn't get his hands on me or else he would have killed my baby the minute he was born! I don't want to even think about the godawful things he did to others especially Arjun's mother!

"Don't worry, you are safe now and it's over." He inched closer to me and I hugged him tight, weeping in his chest.

"Why are you crying? It's over, baby."

I sobbed in to chest, dousing his shirt with my tears and having had enough of my crying, he finally pulled my head out of his chest," I said stop crying! It's over, I told you."

I looked up at him, teareyed,"What if something had happened to you?! I already lost you twice...."

"You are crying for me?!"

I nodded, sniffling and he shook his head," Nothing happened, Radhika. Stop crying, okay?!

I wiped my tears," Is this what you were fighting about in the morning?!"

"Yes, he thought I was making a mistake and he wanted me to go through with the earlier plan."

"Which was?!"

He took my hands in his," Just hear me out, okay? It was my idea at first and then he jumped all over it but I came up with it. I just want to be honest with you and that is why I am telling you."

"I don't understand...."

"I thought about using you for my plan but then I couldn't do it, I just couldn't do it to you, to me, to us! After he left, I made another plan and he was angry with me because in his opinion, I betrayed him because I filled him in too late and I didn't tell him what I actually had planned and he was furious with me."

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