Chapter 47

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Radhika's POV

I thought he will take time with her but he was back soon and I would be lying if I say I wasn't ecstatic to see him. My Goodness! He looked so hot with his unruly messy black locks and his mesmerising eyes that could easily cast a spell on anyone. There is something about those black orbs that makes you want to drown in them. The top two buttons of his shirt were open and I winced thinking about Lily salivating for him in my absence. Why he has to be such a show off?! Why can't he just button up his shirt?! Good thing is that we don't have any female maids or else they would be eyeraping my husband all the time.

He walks towards me and pulls me to him gently. He cups my face and looks in the eye," You trust me, right?!"

Do I?! Whatever Arjun did with me, can I trust him after that?! His eyes are sincere and he doesn't look like he is faking it. Arjun loves our baby. Yes he does and I don't doubt his love for our child. He is making amends for our baby and I should give him a chance because that is what is the need of the hour. If I stay mad at him then Lily will take advantage of our weak relationship and I can't let that happen. I don't trust her.

All I care for is my baby and I will do anything and everything for my baby even if it means forgiving and forgetting all what he did. Just for you, my baby. I will swallow my pride and give a chance to your dad because I love you more than anything in this whole world. You, me, your daddy are going to be a family once you are here. I won't let anyone else be a part of our little world. I talk to my baby in my mind as I tenderly carress my belly.

He snaps before me to get my attention," Where you got lost?! I asked you if you trust me?!"

"I don't doubt your love for our baby so yes I trust you but don't break my trust this time." I beg him with pleading eyes."

"I won't, I promise. I will not let anything happen to you or my baby." He looks straight into my eyes as he gives me his word. Finally I am at peace now.

I rest my head on his chest and I hear his rhythmic heartbeats. I am not that short but he is too tall so when we hug, my face is in par with his chest and I get to hear his heartbeats. He has one hand on my waist and other on my head, patting it. We just stand in each other's arms for a minute or two. I don't want this moment to end but my feet are tender and I can't stand for too long so I break the hug reluctantly.

He smiles his salacious smile," So where were we before Lily interrupted us?!"

"Dining table." I play innocent though I know what he is talking about.

"Yes but what we were up to?!"

"I don't remember."

"Then let me remind you, my gorgeous." With that, he locks my lips in a passionate kiss. This isn't a punishing hard one that leaves bruises on my lips but I find him kissing me with a vigour. He savours my lips in a hot, fiery, passionate and demanding kiss. I want to pull away before I lose myself but I can't seem to...In this minty moment, my senses have been seduced and I can no longer think straight. "Radhika" he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I smile, my heart fluttering at his voice as I clasp my hands on either side of his face. Never before has my name ever felt so wonderful to me.

I am spent as I have lost my ability to think. I want to let loose and just go with the flow. The next thing I feel is being scooped and dropped on the mattress gently. He hovers on top of me and I feel my heart thundering in my chest. I know what he wants but I can't help myself from thinking about the last time. I feel like crying when I reminisce how he whipped me and then had brutal anal sex with me. I don't understand what is wrong with me. Why even after all this, I want him to use my body for his pleasure?! I must be a masochist without even knowing it.

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