Chapter 91

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Radhika's POV

I woke up very late as expected and I was disappointed to not find him in the bed next to me. Can't he skip his workout for a day?! I already know the answer so I won't ponder over it. My cheeks grew hot as I saw myself in the mirror. I was covered in hickeys spread over my entire body. I touched each of them, remembering how he gave them to me last night.

We were apart for  three months but they were like three years for him and for me too. He was so wild last night but then he made love to me too. I got dressed in a white dress and paired it with white studs. I know he must be in his study by now so I decided to eat before disturbing him. Disturbing?! Hell no! He is my husband, I can disturb him if I want to and after last night when he bared his soul to me, I don't want anything to come between us.

Yes, it will take some time to forget that minor indiscretion but we are stronger than this, nothing can tear us apart. I think we have come a long way, from a vicious revenge to a jealous, psychotic ex to crazy ass half brother after his life, we have been through a lot together and I have stood by him through thick and thin. I certainly have more maturity than letting a thing like this to come between us.

There was a skip in my every step today as my heart was doing summersaults in my chest. Even when I sat for my breakfast, I was lost in my own wonderland.

"Hey Mrs Alice in Wonderland." Sam snapped her fingers in front of me.

I shook my head and looked down, a smile broke on my face," Hi, good morning."

"Good morning. You look very happy today."

"Yeah it's just we are all together now." I couldn't stop blushing and I know she could read me like a book.

She moved my hair at a side and now she could clearly see what I was hiding.

"Is it just that or Is it because you are bearing the evidences of last night. " She winked at me.


"You are so cute when you blush." She took my hands in hers," Thank you, Radhika."

"Thank you for what?!" I asked.

"I know my brother is the most difficult, frustrating and controlling man on this earth but sweetie, he really loves you. I mean it's crazy because this is the man who never wanted to settle down. I was always worried about him, I just wanted him to be happy and now I don't have to worry about his happiness.  " She teared up.

I gave a slight squeeze to her hand.

"He loves you so much. Its like he worships you and he has never let anyone in. Even though I am his sister and I know he loves me to death but he is so closed off at times."

"Sam, he adores you and you are his first child." I assure her.

She nodded and wiped her tears," I am sorry, I just got emotional."

I carressed her face," Its okay Sammy but no more tears. Even your nephew won't like it if you cry."

"I want a niece!" She whined.

"I just want a healthy baby, boy or girl doesn't matter to me."

"Of course healthy baby first but a babygirl will be just amazing."

"Arjun, wants a son and...."

She interrupted me,"And you want a son too, you just don't want to say it out loud because you are Mrs Goody Two Shoes."

I smiled to myself as in my heart, I want my son to love me as much as Arjun loves his mother.

"It's not about the gender, I want a miniature version of Arjun."

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