Chapter 98

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Arjun's POV

I enter inside my study and Mathew follows me inside looking nervous as fuck. What's up with him? I expect him to just blurt it out but he is just wasting my time, circulating his gaze all around the room as if he is seeing my office for the first time.

"What the fuck is it?!"

"Actually I wanted to...."

He stops short on his words making me roll my eyes in frustration. I was really enjoying rubbing my wife's belly and feeling my son enthusiastic response.

"Jesus H Christ! What the fuck is it? Why are you staring at me like a fool?"

"I like Sam Actually no, I love Sam."

My eyes widened in shock and a second  later, I stared at him with rage.

"Is this some kind of joke? Because if it is then I don't find it funny at all."

He shakes his head," No I really love Sam and I wanted your permission to...."

Before he could complete the sentence, I reached him swiftly and punched him square in the face. How dare he? How fucking dare he?

He staggers but manages to steady himself," Arjun, please hear me out....."

I hold his collar and push him to the wall, staring at him with pure, unadulterated fury in my eyes.

"Don't even take her name! Until last week you were fucking everything that had a pussy and now you think that you can lay your fucking paws on my sister?! My fucking sister!"

"I stopped months ago, Arjun. I promise I haven't fucked any woman recently."

I give him a dirty look,"Should I give you an award?! Stay the fuck away from my sister! If it was someone else then I would have shot that fucker in a minute for even daring to talk about my sister but I won't and I can't kill you."

"If you want me to stay away from Sam then you must kill me. I promised Sam that I will never leave her alone....."

"Wait a second? Sammy knows about this?"

"She loves me, Arjun. You can ask her....."

I cut him off,"She is a kid, she doesn't understand things...."

"Arjun, please at least let me explain, I know this feels like a betrayal but it's not, I stayed away from Sam all these because of you. I always had a thing for her but...."

"Mathew, don't fucking make me hit you again! Just fuck off! Stay the hell away from my sister."

"Sam loves me, Arjun. Why don't you ask her?" He challenged me.

This is getting out of hand now! I didn't knew that Mathew was so delusional to think that I will agree to this. I stormed out of my study to find Sam who in my opinion has lost her capacity to think. How stupid can she be?!

I scream her name out and my face contored in displeasure finding her outside my office with my wife.

"Tell me he is fucking with me!" I demand looking down upon my sister who had her gaze cast down as if the floor was more interesting than her brother.

"Answer me!"

"Arjun, please....." Radhika intervenes.

"Radhika, stay out of this!"

"And you, better answer me fast! Sam, this is the last time I am....."

She looks up at me," I love him, Bhai. I really really love him."

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