Chapter 93

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Radhika's Pov

I hug him as I believe he makes everything better. I wince as I feel the baby kicking hard, its so painful and amazing at the same time. I love and hate the pain at the same time.

I bury my face in his chest, sobbing silently as he holds me, comforting me.

He pulls back and his eyes are full of love and admiration but what catches my eye, is the respect which I thought he wasn't capable of giving me when I first met him.

He cups my face,"I love you, Radhika, I really do more than you will ever know."

He tells me and I see in his eyes, his unfathomable love for me. I mean he has proved it twice by jumping in front of death and gambled his life to save me.

I am about to say something when I feel this strong pain in my stomach again. I started to cry now because it's so painful and I don't know how I will go through this for the next four months.

Baby, sweet baby, I really love you more than my life but you are hurting Mamma. Can't you just calm down?!

I looked at him with tears," It hurts, I was lying before when I said it doesn't hurt."

He wiped my tears,"Baby, its okay, I am with you, I might not feel your pain but I will be there with you at every step. I promise Radhika, I will never leave you alone."

His eyes and words held a promise of forever that made my heart burst out of joy.

" You better not, I am having your baby and you are responsible for everything I am going through." I warned him.

He tried his best to stop the smile that stretched on his lips as he stared in to my eyes with a mischievous glint in his.

"Yeah smile all you want, smirk too. I am so miserably pregnant and you are all, hunky dory."

I mean it's really not fair, I feel like a fat little pregnant lady and he has grown hotter than he already was. His muscles have got bigger and he looks more shredded than ever. He has this five'o' clock shadow look that made him so hot that I was getting tingly all over just by looking at him.

He hugged me to his chest," Baby, think about this, you get to bond with the baby before it's even born and I have to touch your stomach to feel it. He is inside you, he knows you, he knows your voice, he hears to your heartbeats probably goes to sleep listening to them, you are his only connection to the outside world. He will love you Radhika more than anyone else as a child and when he grows up, he will worship you. This is my child, I know he will."

Hearing such sweet words from him makes me forget all my pain and smile with all my heart. Tears of joy replaced the tears of pain in my eyes.

I sobbed,"What you said is so sweet!"

He pecked my forehead," You are the sweetest, my sweet girl. Don't cry baby its fine you are my strong girl."

I hug him again, feeling his hard body encompassing my soft one. I touched his chest, moving my hands across his chest feeling his muscles under his shirt. I want him! I can't get enough of him and lately he has been holding back a lot because of the pregnancy.

I tried to unbutton his shirt but he held my wrist, stopping me.

"No baby, not now we don't have time."

But you look so hot, and you are all mine. I just want to touch you all over, kiss you all over and I want your hands all over me.

I moved my hand down to his manhood, I smirked in satisfaction as he was already hard under my hand.

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