Chapter 95

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Arjun's POV

"You see those two dots there, those are the testicles and Congratulations! Arjun and Radhika, it's a boy."

I raised my fist in victory mode as if I just won the entire world! I just knew it! My baby is a boy and now it's official. Fuck! I am so happy, I am crying my eyes out like a little girl. My baby boy! World can't get any better than this! I was praying all the way in the car because I was worried that doctor might tell us we are having a girl and I might upset Radhika with my reaction. I don't think so I could have handled it well if the first baby was a girl because what the fuck do I know about being a father to a little girl?!

I would have had a coronary by the time she reaches teenage! Thank God! A boy, my little boy, now its time to stock the nursery with toys appropriate for boys. I can't wait to teach him football, I guess I will have to wait till he is five to take him out on the ground. I simply can't wait for him to be here as I am determined to be the best father. I didn't had a good father but my baby will have one, he will always have me, body and soul.


Radhika's voice startled me as she must have sensed I had gone quiet since the revelation.

" Yeah....Fuck! A boy!" I exclaimed and cried like a emotional sap," A baby boy, Radhika! I am so happy." I gave her a chaste kiss to thank her. I can't kiss her the way I want to in front of the doctor, can I?!

"I think I will give you both some privacy and I will see you in my cabin in about twenty minutes."

Thank God, she took the cue and left us on our own because I needed to be alone with my wife and I didn't wanted to share the best moments of my life with anyone other than my wife.

"Thank you, Radhika." I pecked her forehead.

She took my hand and placed it on our baby bump, no one could tell she was pregnant if they see her from behind as she was thin everywhere else only her belly was protruding now. She looked so pregnant and I was so fucking happy to see that she was finally showing, it such a fucking turn on to see her carrying my baby. I can't wait to put another bun in the oven but I know I must wait for at least a year before I knock her up again.

"Are you happy?!" She asked me again, smiling with happy tears in her eyes.

"Of course I am happy, more than happy. Thank you, baby. Thank you for everything." I tell her honestly.

"It's official! Arjun, a boy! My little buddy! Oh my God! I am so excited..." She started crying and sobbing uncontrollably.

I wiped her tears," Hey, what happened?! Why are you crying?!" She was scaring me now.

"He threatened me that he will kill my baby if I don't listen to him. I was so terrified when they took me to my dad's house, I always had this niggling feeling that they will mix something in my food or medicines to kill...." She was crying so hard that she couldn't even speak.

Fuck! That motherfucker! I will kill him with my bare hands!

"That fucking little...." I stop short on words as I don't want to scare her away with my plans for her father and brother. I feel like hanging them upside down and whipping them till they puke out blood but I will think of something worst than this, something beyond anyone's imagination!

" They will pay, Radhika. I will make them pay for everything they put you through, they put us through. I promise to avenge every tear that escaped your eyes."

" I was so scared, Arjun. I thought I will lose him. He was the only thing I had and that kept me going but I was so terrified...."She sniveled hugging her baby bump.

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