Chapter 96

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Radhika's  POV

As soon as we reached home and he had shut the door behind him, I pounced on him, kissing him with fervor. He was looking so fucking hot throughout the day and I was a bit angry with the nurses in Dr Anita's clinic who think my husband is public property to drool over him as much as they please. I mean, he is good looking but he is mine and happily married with a baby on the way so move the fuck on!

He has been so head over heals in love with me and the baby who we now know is a boy. I can't believe this is the same man who had made me so miserable once upon a time. My only complaint is that he has been holding back, he has been treating me like I am made of glass.

He had been so romantic throughout the day and I hadn't forgotten how he had refused to make love to me in the morning. I had literally begged him to take me but he had resisted me.

I started to rip his shirt off," I want you, I just....."

He kissed me hard making me stagger but he held me tight by my waist.

"So baby, you want to fuck or you want me to make love?!" He smirked as he shamelessly eyed me making my insides melt in a mushy mess.

I looked down, suddenly losing all my confidence. How do I say that I want him to fuck me?! I mean I know we have done it but he wants me to actually say it on his face.

"Radhika, we can stand here entire night and I am not going to touch you until you tell me what you want." He leaned closer, almost touching my front to his and then backing off making me crazy.

I rolled my eyes at him," You know what I want."

He gave me a smug smile," Of course darling but you have to tell me how its going to be. You want me to make sweet love to you or you want me to fuck your brains out." He leaned closer pushing me towards the wall gently.

He placed his hands on the either side of me, " So my love, what do you want?!" His hand touched my cheek and I leaned more into his touch. I was getting seduced just by an innocent touch of his that wasn't even sexual by any nature.

"I want you, all of you." I manage to say as he has me pinned down by his dark eyes.

"My dear, how is the question?!" His tone was mischievous and his eyes had a wicked glint in them.

Fine! He thinks I can't take lead! He thinks I am so shy that I won't tell him how I want him to be rough with me then I will show him that I can seduce him the way he seduces me.

I locked my eyes with him, as I went down on my knees and his eyes widened in shock as he realized what my intentions were. I know I have done this before but only once and I don't really have anything to say about it.

"You don't need to do this, baby. Come on up." He started to pull me up but I didn't budge.

"I want to do it and you are not going to stop me." I say in a firm tone.

"Do you remember what you did last time?! Radhika, it's okay I was just teasing you and I don't want a blowjob."

Red seared through my cheeks when he said that word as I looked down, all shy and nervous.

He tries to pull me up but I resisted," No!"

"Radhika, baby you don't need to do all these."

I stared deep into his dark orbs as I pulled his fly down, I could actually feel his long and thick cock under the fabric of his jeans. He was already turned on and I knew what I had to do to make him lose control.

I pulled his jeans down and then his boxers as I bared his dick to my gaze. How does this thing even fit inside me?! He is such a hunk! I know I have done this before but I could barely take him in my mouth as I choked on him everytime I tried to deep throat him but tonight I am going to push my limits.

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