Chapter 20

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Radhika's POV

I was fast asleep when I felt someone touching me but I ignored but the next moment, I could not overlook it anymore.

Aaaah! I winced as he pinched me not hard but not gently either. What is wrong with him?! He was hovering on top of me and before I could even say something, He silenced me off by slamming his lips on mine. I tried to protest and push him but he pinned my hands over my head.

He jerked the quilt away and threw it away and I was aghast!

He was kissing me like there was no tommorrow as if his life depended upon that kiss.

"!" I managed to breath out as he broke the kiss.

"What does it look like to you?!"

Oh My God! This man is insatiable, I am so tired right now that I cannot move a muscle and he wants to go at it again!

I shook my head,"No! Not again I am tired please not now."

I plead with him because I know he is going to brush off my defiance and if I say no then he will get more excited to take me again. I know by now that he likes to play hard and I am not going to give him a chance to hurt me.

"Its normal you will feel just fine after some time." He said as if he didn't just take me about three hours ago.

My eyes filled up,"But I can't..."

He stared at me pointedly,"Yes you can and I am so fucking you so shut it."

He is going to again fuck me and not make love, this is not how I had wanted to be, this just sex, cold sex! There is no love, no warmth, no respect for my body, nothing!

"Not make love?!" I could not help myself from asking as I felt my thoughts were torturing me.

Will there ever be a day when I will feel something pure from him?!

He looked caught offguard for a second or two as he stared at me but soon his eyes turned cold,"I don't make love, I fuck hard!"

His words felt like icy cold water splashed over me and I felt rudely awakened. I stared at him with pure hurt and he stared back at me, for a second I thought a twinge of emotion floated in his eyes.

"Enough talking now all I should hear is you screaming out my name." He silenced me by locking our lips.

"Fuck. Baby your body is to sin for." He husked in my ears and left my one hand and fondled my breast. Despite myself and all the angst within me, I could not help the moan that slipped my mouth.

He kept on kissing me, touching me in places I had not touched myself, exploring every inch of my body and I didn't know if this was a part of him fucking me. All I wanted was to lie as cold as I could, without giving him any encouragement but to my great disappointment, I was failing miserably.

To my surprise he wasn't rough because I know by now what entails as rough in his dictionary. His thrust grew fast and hard as we neared the heights of pleasure and my head was spinning as I lost the ability to think. It was as if he had numbed my mind or worst hypnotised me to enjoy this.

He came inside me and he leaned on my shoulder and the sweat drops from his hair fell on me mixing even our sweat now," So good are so beautiful...and...all mine." He spoke as he gasped for breath.

He leaned in and held my chin tight and gave me a hard kiss," I never thought I would ever sleep with one woman twice let alone for one whole week."

My heart cried and my tears betrayed me when I heard his crude words. I was just a body to him, just a toy he uses like he must have used so many other women to entertain himself.

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