Chapter 49

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Arjun's POV

"There you see that miniature ball like thing. That is your baby."

"Doc don't call my baby a ball like thing!" I snapped in an angry tone.

How dare she, call my baby a ball like thing?! Just because our association is from a long time that does not mean she can call any fucking thing to my baby.

"Arjun, it is not a baby until it is fully developed it's a fetus right now." She tells us in that sugary sweet tone.

"It's my baby you are talking about not a fucking fucking fetus." I tell her in a tone that means business. How dare she call my baby a ball?!

"Arjun, please....." Radhika tries to intervene between us but she doesn't know that doctor Anita is doing this purposely to get under my skin. How do I know this! That's because we have known each other for a long, long time.


I marched down the stairs to give doctor Anita, her 50k for coming here without prior appointment. She was really pissed at me when I called in her office and demanded an emergency visit at my apartment.

When I reached her, she was already fuming at me for  disrupting her schedule. She still thinks I am a pompous ass. That I am, bear no doubt about it folks.

"Doc here is your check and thanks for coming."

"Arjun, this is the fifth time in a month that I have been called for an emergency contraception." She tells me begrudgingly.

I fold my hands to my chest and tower over her in an attempt to get an upper hand in this conversation,"Don't I pay you enough?! I did charity for your old age home last month. Does that ring a bell in your mind, Doc?!"

She should be content  after I donated 1 crore to her old age home last month but look at her, talking back with me now. I mean I know she is my mom's friend and that is the only reason she gets away with the shit she pulls on me.

She narrows her eyes at me,"It's not about the money it's about your attitude towards me and those women. Don't you realise you are messing up with their bodies."

Why the fuck do you care?!

"They have no qualms about that. You can ask all of them. Want their numbers?!" I say with a simper.

"Really?! You have their numbers?! The last time I remember you were saying they are same as condoms, once used then they are useless." She is making those finger quotes to accentuate her point.

Yes, I exactly remember what I said and with every fibre in my body, I meant what I said.

"Of course I said that and I was going to tell you to contact my staff for their numbers." I tell her brusquely.

"God! You are so arrogant!" She tells me in an fiery tone.

"Thanks." I reply giving her a cheeky smile.

"You are 27 already and this is biologically the best age to procreate. Look for a wife and have children." She tells me in a way to make me change my mind.

Hahaha! She is seriously funny. Either she doesn't know me in real or she is delusional.

"Really?! With whom?!" I ask her eagerly.

"Maybe one of these women. All of them are very pretty. Good body is a added bonus." She tells me casually.

Hahahaha! The biggest joke of the year. With this women I should procreate! What for?! I wouldn't even know if the bun baking in the oven is really mine with this women.

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