Chapter 83

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Arjun's POV

I punch him in the face and he was shell shocked as he couldn't understand when I reached him and when I punched him. I know I am fast and my fist paid off as his lip swelled and he puked blood as he crashed on the ground. I know I have hit him really hard and this was just the start, by the time I am done with him, he will be a dead man!

He stood up on his feet next minute and tried to break my face but I was faster than him and I kicked him in his abdomen. Before he could recover from that blow, I pulled him up by his hair and threw him against the wall, I smirked in satisfaction when I saw his blood smeared on the wall. He had hurt his head this time, he might be good at plotting but there is no way he could stand upto me in a real fight. I had spend my childhood, teenage and my adulthood fighting, learned martial arts so I was a beast and I knew I could kill a person with bare hands in my anger but what's the fun in that?! I want to torture him so bad that he will just be a lifeless person in the end.

"You want to play games, I will show you what happens to people when they fuck with me." I gritted as I threw him against the wall again and the white walls took the colour of blood as I continued throwing him against the wall.

"You fucking piece of shit, wanted what was mine, let me tell you something, you are a fucking bastard and bastards like you have no claim over anything." I said in a fiery tone.

I lowered to his face and smirked when I saw his bloodied face now no one will say this fucker looks like me.

"This house, this people and the crown, every fucking thing is mine! Only mine! A bastard like you deserves nothing because you are nothing but my fucking father's dirty little secret that he wanted nothing to do with." I inched closer to his face," You know why?! Because your mother was nothing but one of his whores who he had no intension to marry. Why would he?! He had me no matter how much we couldn't stand each other but he already had a son from a marriage and you would have just brought him shame. What my father couldn't do I will do for him now." I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him," Any last words, bastard." I taunted him with his illegitimacy because I knew it was a raw wound.

He looked at me, raising his bloodied face," I should ask you that as well, brother."

"What the fuck do you mean?!"

"Brother, my dear brother, I always knew I can't defeat you if it comes to blows but...." He smirked," I have planted bomb in our house and this house is going to explode in next five minutes."

This house is going explode! My mother's last memory!

"Arjun, I won! I won, Father, did you hear me, Father!" He trained his gaze on Father's wall size painting and asked him.

"You rejected me for him and now I will take him down to with me. I won in the end, Father."

I crashed down on my knees, defeated and desolate. It's over! It's over for us! I will never be able to see my Radhika ever again. I will never be able to see my child and I will never be fortunate to hold my baby for the first time ever. He truly won and I lost! Everything is over now, there is nothing left!

Arjun, you can't die! What about Radhika?! What about my baby?! I promised Radhika and I have never broken a promise in my life. I couldn't get out of the house if I go all the way down the main entrance because I don't have that much time.

"Give it up, Arjun! You won't make it outside the property. This house and both of us are going to explode in flames." He laughed sadistically.

I ran up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. This is it! I don't know if I will be alive or not but this is the only way to get out of the mansion and that too fast. I ran to the terrace and I knew I was gambling away my life but I had to if I wanted to see my Radhika and my baby. I am so thankful for all the experiences I have had in the wars which have now come handy.

I know this is the stupidest thing ever if I were to think logically but there is no other way. I know my chances are slim to survive but I will die trying. I will not die in this house because it will mean that bastard won against me. If I were to die then I want to die a dignified death and if someone can take my life then that person better be me. I leaped out not knowing what my destiny holds for me. Darkness consumed me as I spiraled out, not knowing whether I was going to live or die.

Radhika POV

I was going far from my home, and it has been an hour since my home and everything familiar was out of my sight. I burst in to tears all over again as if I wasn't just crying a minute ago.


"He promised you, he never breaks a promise." He assured me while keeping his gaze on the road.

"What if he...." Shit! I can't even say it, please God please if I have been a good human being then please give me my husband back.

"Radhika, don't think negative, everything will be fine." He said as he continued to drive us away from the city.

I placed my hand on my baby bump," Don't worry baby, he will come back, your daddy will come back, for me, for you. He has to or I don't know what will I do. I love him so much, baby, he chose me over him, I think this is the most selfless thing he ever did, he bargained his life in exchange of mine and yours, baby. If something happens to him, I will lose my mind!" I broke down, hugging my baby bump tightly.

To be continued.....

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