Chapter 40

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Arjun's POV

I got up at 4 in the morning. I could see the sun has not risen yet. I stared at my wife's face. How beautiful and peaceful she looks while asleep! Her thick eyelashes kissing her cheeks looked so admirable. She was a rare beauty. Her make up of last night's party had washed away and she looked so heavenly even without it.
I felt guilty looking at the welts on her body. What the fuck! I am not supposed to feel remorse for what I did yesterday. I have done worst with women in my past then why is this guilt of hurting my wife pricking me now?!

I notice her blanket had slipped from her chest so I covered her up to her neck to protect her from getting cold. I don't know why I am feeling guilty but the simple truth is I am feeling hurt.

I showered and exited my room. I can't stand looking at those welts and bruises I have caused her. I sweat it out in my personal gym to stabilise my mind. I have to go to my head office but I have to also train the newly admitted males in our squad. They are in their training period which follows putting them to test. I spend my time teaching them to use weapons still my mind is not fully here. I feel myself getting zoned out time and again.

At last I assign my job to Mathew and leave them alone. I return to my room to check on Radhika before I leave for my head office. I am mesmerized by her beauty when I stand by the door watching her. She is wearing full sleeves with a high neck trying to hid the remnants of her punishment. I trudged towards her and hold her by shoulders. Also I notice she is wearing that diamond studded necklace I gifted her the other day. That necklace can actually buy a house if sold in market. I have never picked up jewellery for any women I slept with but of course Radhika is an exception. Also I know my taste is very good, I also have an idea about what will look good on her flawless fair skin. She looks spectacular!

"You look beautiful." I tell her. I am half expecting her to blush but I receive a magnificent 'Thank you' which doesn't pleases me at all.

"Are you still upset about last night?!"

I ask her feeling irritated by her cold demenour.

"Look I am sorry I guess I went too far." I say sorry to snap her out of her anger.

Her eyes blazing with fire, she screeched," You're sorry?! You used your belt on me for how many times, I have no clue about. You wrote your name on my body as if I am some possession of yours. You had brutal sex with me which almost killed me. And you're here telling me you are sorry. You made me lose all my hopes last night. You know despite myself I was hoping you'll change....I was seeing a future with you in spite of what you did to me. I was trying to forgive you. Last night you killed all those hopes. You stamped on the pieces of my broken heart. I was trying Arjun, really trying to accept you but you ruined everything yesterday. What did you say! Upset?! You have no shame! You humiliated me in the worst way I could ever imagine and you are asking if I am still upset over last night. I hate you, Arjun!"

Shit! That hurt! What the fuck is wrong with me?! I quickly covered that hurt that crossed my face with my best poker face. She shouldn't know she affects me, should she?!

I fake laughed at her state though I didn't find it funny at all,"You think I care what hopes you had woven in your heart. You are so delusional. I don't care what you feel for me, Radhika. You are my wife and your duty is to please me in bed not talk and think about this stupid fantasies. About last night, whatever happened was the outcome of your actions. It was your punishment. Get over it and find something better to do. Also if you breath even a word about yesterday to Sam, I'll whip you!"

Whatever I said was to stop her from emasculating me. She doesn't needs to know that I just don't love sex with her but I love lying next to her with her body cocooned in my arms. She doesn't need to know how I like seeing her face first in the morning, does she? I don't trust her after all she is Rehan's daughter. She might cheat me and ruin me. I know better than trusting Rehan's blood.

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