Chapter 6- She Is Mine

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Arjun glanced at her bodyguards standing behind her at a short distance.... His mind started running wild to turn the situation in his favour.... He pulled out his shot gun from his pocket and tapped the silencer button....He pulled her to him harshly and pierced the gun at her waist....He purposely didn't aimed it near her head to get unnoticed by others....Her escorts knew that if she would get even a scratch on her body than their seven generations will regret it badly....They stood helpless begging Arjun with their eyes to let her go....

Arjun traced her collarbone with his finger and breathed in her lavender sweet fragrance....Indeed she was a fragile little flower....If only she didn't had Rehan's blood flowing in her veins....He would have never done this to her....But his conscience was dead the day he had been to his mother's cremation and seen her soil sprawled over her body....

Radhika was shivering in fright....His proximity was like someone twisting her emotions....His dark devil eyes scared her to death....She had never been this panic stricken of anything....She could make out that this devil's intentions for her were doubtlessly evil about her....She tried to get free from his hold but his other hand gripped her waist in a death tight grip....The more she struggled to get free, the more he tightened his hold on her....She winced in pain as his nails bragged in her skin through her dress fabric....Her eyes were wet and moist while her heartbeat raced at abnormal rate....She could actually feel hers and his heartbeat in rhythmic contraption....She pleaded with him in a voice that almost came out as a whisper," Please let me go..."

Arjun bit her earlobe grazing his teeth on it and spoke in a hoarse tone, " Never."

She gasped as she felt his warm soft lips sucking on her weak spot....She felt ripples and vibrations throughout her body....she felt weak in her knees as his sensuous touch made her feel fruitful pleasure....She felt ashamed of herself for having such aroused raunchy thoughts about such a devil who had pinned a gun at her waist....Suddenly her vision blurred and darkness was all she could see.

Arjun stood stupefied as her unconscious body dropped down but he caught her and handed over his gun to Aden and spoke in a reckless tone," Aim the gun at them but take care that you don't get caught here.... I am taking her with me and you can shoot but I want them alive enough to call Rehan."

Aden obliged and aimed the gun at her bodyguards stopping them from coming close....People had started leaving the place as there was some delicious seafood being served as the dinner at the porch a few feet away from the beach so everyone had their back facing to the crucial situation here.

Arjun scooped Radhika in his arms and took long quick strides to his car parked out....His driver opened the door and he placed her inside on the backseat....He got in next to her and asked the driver to drive....

Arjun was watching her without a blink....He was amazed and overwrought by her beauty....Her sharp arrow shaped eyebrows were so cutely appealing....her plump soft lips created a spell on him....He was so desperate to kiss the hell out of them until they will be swollen and blood red.....He traced her lips with his rough thumb and thought to himself, " You are seriously like a fresh bloomed rose....And the only word that can describe you best z....MINE!!" He pulled her closer to his chest and rubbed her back as she snuggled closer to him and his coils tightened up as her lips brushed on his chest.....He could feel his arousal hard that it ached a bit...He had no idea when he slipped into deep slumber resting his chin on her head.

Rehan was furious beyond limits after being informed about Radhika's kidnap....He felt as if someone took his heart out of his body....He was having all sorts of dangerous thoughts about her....His worry was eating him up....He looked like a defeated man who was drained out of all energy.... He was desperately waiting for the kidnapper's call....

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