Chapter 10- Her Virginty

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"So darling.. how is it?" Arjun husked in a seductive voice in her ear.

Radhika just looked at the room she had entered into. It was *his* room, which will forever from now will be called *theirs*. The room was decorated with flowers, aromatic candles that made the atmosphere to look romantic.. which wasn't and which will never ever happen. She kept blinking at the bed that was decorated with red and flowers and the mattress had red rose petals scattered over. This was basically for a married couple, but he had married her for revenge. This can never happen between them.

What if he does?

He pulled her to him and kissed her hard. He growled when her lips didn't sync with his. He bit her lower lip and her eyes welled up. She knew her lip was bleeding. He smirked when he tasted her blood. She gasped when he tore her blouse. He pulled her to angle her head as his tongue entered her mouth and ravished her mouth. She tried hard pushing him back, but he was quick enough. His mouth let go of hers and he pinned her to the wall. She yelped as the impact was too much.

"How dare you to not kiss me!!" he screamed as he pulled her hair hard and his other hand fingers dug into the skin of her waist.

"This is not how it is supposed to be" she whispered.

"What did you say?!" he screamed.

"Arjun please" she pleaded.

"You're Mine...And I'm going to show you that" he hissed as he pulled her face closer to his.

He kissed her again and his lips travelled to her jaw and neck. Her breasts were exposed as she didn't have to wear a bra for the blouse. His hand tortured her breasts and she tried hard not to cry out in pain. His knee went between her legs and rubbed her sensitive area. She gasped at the feeling that was building up. She had enough. She was not what he thought her to be. She was not meek. She was the daughter of Rehan Mishra. And she was going to prove it now. She pushed him with all her might and he staggered as he went backwards. She covered her breasts letting her long hair down which was held in a bun a while ago.

Arjun grew wild. He growled like a wild animal that scared her. For a second she thought she was facing a wild animal. Not her husband.


Oh.. he was.. no is.. the devil he be.

"No one goes against Arjun Mehra" he growled as he pulled out his gun.

'You cannot kill me" her lips trembled.

"Watch" he smirked as he pulled the trigger and she stood, unmoved. Closing her eyes.

She turned around to see a hole in the wall where the bullet had pierced. She turned around terrified to see him smirking. He was indeed enjoying her terrified state.

"You're not to be released so soon from my clutches" he sneered.

"Why?" was the only thing she could ask.

"You're your father's world aren't you? His most precious possession. I want him to watch his most precious possession get destroyed. Burn to ashes in front of his eyes" he sneered as his gaze penetrated deep into her eyes.

"Now get to bed before I drag you down" his voice grew hoarse.

She moved to bed and sat down waiting for his next command.

"Lie down" he commanded to which she obeyed.

"I'm going to punish you so bad that you'll never forget this night in your entire life" he sneered.

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