Chapter 50

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Radhika's POV

When I woke up in the bed alone, I felt low as if my heart was in a disarray on not finding him in the room but some thing caught my eye. A message on the side table.

Dear Wifey,

Good morning and before you act all put out with me, I am off to work so you have to take care of yourself and my baby until I am back. Now don't lie in the bed for too long and open the wardrobe. There is a surprise for you and I hope you like it. Miss me, will you?!

                                           Just Yours,

I literally squealed in delight. God! Thank you so much for this baby and the new change in Arjun. I know this baby will bring us closer emotionally. Do you see it, baby?! Dad is changing, isn't he?! He might not love your mamma but he does love you a lot. Are you happy like mamma is?!

I launch myself towards the wardrobe like a missile and I open it as fast as I could. I feel as if it's my birthday and I am getting all excited about gifts. My Goodness! He has gifted me a pink floral gown and it's so, so pretty and I can't even express how much I like it. Like?! I love it. Aww, baby you have turned my cursed life into a blessing. Technically I will give birth to you but you gave birth to a new bond between me and your daddy.

I take a bath and I feel as if this is my new life and whatever happened before was a nightmare that has come to an end. Please God if not for me then for Arjun, don't let anyone cast evil eye on our happiness. I haven't seen him so much happy even when he avenged his mom's death. Please protect my baby and our relationship from all the bad omens. I make a small prayer to God before I exit our room.

As I was on the third step of the staircase, I felt a shadow behind me. When I turned back to see who is it, there was no one. Strange and obscure, isn't it?! Maybe it was a hallucination but I felt someone behind me, I am not sure. God, please be with me. When I reached the dining table, out of all the people Mr Dracula was smiling at me. I looked behind to see if there was some one behind me who he was smiling at but there was no one.

"I smiled at you, Radhika. I hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name or would you prefer Mrs Mehra."

With that, my jaw dropped on the floor!Mr Dracula talks to me for the first time since I am here. Today is full of surprises, isn't it baby?! I talk to my baby inwardly.

"Radhika is fine, Sir." I reply politely.

"Call me Mark like Arjun does." He states in a firm tone. I observe him suspiciously and I can't help but notice his toned, muscular self. He might be some thing 50 but he doesn't look a day older than 40. He must have been good looking in his youth. Hey! I am not checking out just looking, okay?!

"Okay Sir I mean Mark."I reply politely.

"I know we did not have a good start because I hated you in the beginning and I don't like you now either but we can have a truce, right?!" He offers me his hand for a handshake. Should I or should I not?!

Finally I take his hand and shake hands with him,"I think we can and to be honest even I don't like you but you are important to him."

"Everyone and everything comes after you for him." He looks in the eye and tells me.

It's not true, Mark.

I shake my head,"I don't think so."

He takes his hand back and shrugs,"Your wish I said what is true. You are pregnant with his child and his empire's heir if it's a boy of course. I want you to know I don't bear any ill will for you or your baby. You must be surprised or rather shocked after hearing this from me but you are carrying Arjun's child and nothing matters to me more than Arjun. His life resides in you and mine in his so I will protect you with everything I have."

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