Chapter 44

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Radhika's POV

My eyes shoot open as the sunlight entered inside our room through the open windows. I was taken aback to find Arjun still sleeping in the bed. It very unlikely of him to stay in bed for too long. He is very punctual about time but then today is special.

I turn to his side and I am awed by how handsome he looks. His messy hair are falling on his forehead and his defined cheek bones look so damn hot!

He is not wearing  a shirt and I can't stop myself from drooling over his ripped, muscular chest. I really hope my child takes after his looks. I should really wipe the drool now. I tiptoed inside the bathroom to take a bath.

I come out dressed in a chiffron white sari. I think I should go and find Sam. Also I feel my stomach growling in hunger. As I trudge towards the dining area, I bumped into....Lily!

I smile at her but of course she doesn't smile back. I understand and I am pretty okay with it. Just when I walk past she grips my hand and pulls me back.

She scoffed, "You think you can get away after snatching my love from me?! Do you even know what I mean to Arjun?!"

I replied in a calm voice, "Lily, look I feel sorry for you but there is nothing I can do for you. As for your question then I don't know what you mean to my husband and nor am I interested in knowing the depth of your relation. Arjun said he won't marry you or anyone and that's all I need to know."

I think life has been very unfair to her but the least I can do is not be a bitch to her for wanting to marry my husband. I'll speak chastely only.

She retorted with fury, "Do you know what are his likes and his dislikes?! What makes him happy and what makes him angry?! Do you know about his secrets?! I know him better than you and that proves I would have made a better wife."

She is not riling me up at all. I don't feel even a bit of anger or jealousy towards her. I have what I want.

I say softly, "Lily, you are forgetting I have a part of Arjun growing inside me. He loves his child more than anyone and any thing. I am giving him a baby and that surpasses all what you must have done for him in the past. I really don't have any problem with your friendship but you learn to respect the confines of your friendship."

She thinks she can make me feel worthless then she doesn't know me at all. Arjun and Lily are a history and I could care less about it. I am expecting and I should keep all negativity away from me.

I think my high tolerance has reduced her anger and she is coming close to crying. Before I know she breaks down in front of me and I can't help but feel empathy for her.

She says, "I love him, Radhika and you don't even love him. Why are you coming between us then?!"

If only you knew what I went though you wouldn't say this.

I asked her pointedly, "Who said I don't love him?!"

She confessed, "Mark told me everything but that's not important. The fact is you don't love him then why are you stopping him from marrying me. I didn't ask him to leave you, did I?! We both can be his wives."

Hell no! I went through so much because I am his wife and now you want me to serve him for you on silver palate. I am not so selfless at least not when I am carrying a child. I can't share him at any cost especially now.

I say in a firm tone, "Lily, I do care about him but he is my husband and the father of my child. You tell me which woman in her right state of mind will permit her husband's second marriage?!"

She is mum in a minute. Lily, would you agree to your husband's second marriage had you been in my place?!

I continue, "Look you should try to move on and find someone whose world will revolve around you. Why do you even want to be a second wife?! It's such a disgrace! I really feel sorry for what you must have gone through but I am with a child right now. I must think only about my baby before anyone else and my baby's best interest lies in Arjun not marrying again. Hope you understand."

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