Chapter 54

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Arjun's POV

"Radhika, what is wrong baby?! Why are you crying?!" I ask her smoothly.

"You ruined me, Arjun! You made a big joke of my life." She tells me between her tears. She is crying so hard that she is unable to make concrete words.

"Baby relax so much stress is not good for the baby." I tell her softly to make her see sense.

"Tell me from when is it going on?! Tell me from when are you both seeing each other behind my back?! Tell me was it the first time or maybe second or maybe you guys were screwing each other daily." She whispers cries as she wipes her tears with the back of her palm.

Then I realize where is this coming from! She saw Lily and me together. God! I don't understand why can't I have a day without any drama.

"Radhika baby you are misunderstanding. Lily and I, we...."

She breaks in on me," Arjun, did I ever stop you from having sex with me after that night?! I gave you what you wanted despite the unreparable damage you have caused to my whole existence. I still pray that the baby must be a boy not because I want one but because you want a boy. I gave you my everything or should I say you snatched away my everything! This whole month when we were finally happy with each other I thought you and I could be happy together forever." She says as she sniffles.

She looks and sounds so vulnerable that her state makes me want to drag Lily here and make her apologise to Radhika by falling on her feet.

"We are happy baby and whatever you saw is not what it must have looked like." I try in an effort to coax her.

"Arjun, I don't trust you. Who knows you must have accepted Lily back in your life! Or who is to tell that she is not the only one you are cheating on me with!"

Her crude accusations fills me with mad fury. I feel like slapping her for even thinking so low of me but I know I can't and I musn't!

"Radhika, I did not cheat on you."

"I don't believe you. I told you Arjun the day you cheat on me you will see the last of me. I am not strong like your mom who had put up with your dad's womanizing ways. I know I must not do this but you left me with no other option." Saying so, she turns towards the fence and puts her leg forward to jump off but I grab her hand and pull her back into my arms.

I felt my breathing stopped when I articulated what she was going to do herself, me and our baby. She has gone too far this time and there is no forgiveness for this impudence of hers today.

I hugged her tight to calm the hot rush of fear inside me. She gave me a heart attack today! I kissed her all over her face not letting even an ince unkissed. She scared me to piceses!

Fuck the pregnancy and fuck everything! Radhika is not getting away with what she tried to do today.

I break the hug and I smacked her hard across her face," ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TO TRY TO KILL YOURSELF?!"

"You cheated...." She again started her rant as she held her marred cheek at the same time.

I have had enough!

I glared at her with my fury filled eyes," Not a word, Radhika. Not a fucking word! You want proof I will give you proof that I did not cheat on you."

I dragged her along but soon I realised that she is with a baby and she cannot walk this fast so I scooped her in my arms despite her protest. She was throwing her hands and feet in air to make me put her down.

We reached finally! I pushed open the door of surveillance room," Rohit, show me the footage of study room." I said icily.

"Yes your highness."

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