Chapter 78

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Radhika's POV

I stared at the unwelcome diner in my house and I couldn't put in words how angry I felt at the moment. After breaking my family apart, he is going to enjoy his meal where we use to sit together to have dinner as a family. I have no clue where is Sam and Mariam aunty are and my heart breaks thinking if I will ever have what is lost.

I feel so lonely here with no one to talk to, I feel the silence in the air which I have never felt in this place and by silence I mean the silence within me. I have never grown so quiet in my entire life as much as now. When Arjun is around me, I don't feel purposeless or alone, he keeps bothering me in a good way or bad way but now I realise how much dependent I am upon him. It's like my life was monotonous and vain until he came like a storm and uprooted my whole life. I feel like a plant that was uprooted from its birth place and planted here.

I miss Sam and Mariam aunty too, I had grown so used to Sam and Arjun's constant bickering and Mariam aunt's pure love and affection. I lost my mother at a very young age and I never really had a mother but Mariam Aunty loved me like her own daughter  and she always use to side with me when Arjun use to bully me. Will my family ever be together again?! Will we have a meal together ever again like old times?!  Whole my life I longed for a family, a sense of belonging and when I finally had found it here in the most unexpected circumstances, my happiness was ripped away from me, all because of this man! I don't care what he had to go through all his life  we all have suffered and it was his mother's fault that she seduced a married man and took him away from his wife and his child.

"Are you just going to stare at your food?!"

I looked up at him only to find him staring at me back and giving me a playful smirk, the one that resembles my husband's smirk so much.

I kept quiet not really in mood to talk to him. I feel I miss Arjun more whenever I look at Veer. I choose not to look at him so maybe I will feel a little better. Hey, who am I kidding?! Am I ever going to forget Arjun?! He is like the air I breath and how can I stop thinking about him when I have a part of him growing inside me.

"So you are going to ignore me now?!"

I shook my head and took my spoon to eat. Having dinner with him has killed my appetite but I can't be selfish, can I?! Even if I don't feel like eating I will have to eat for this child.

"So you think he loves you?!"

How is it any of your business?!

I still kept quiet tuning him out completely as I don't want to give him the satisfaction that he affects me in any way.

"You know something, Radhika you are very gullible and by gullible I mean you see the world through Arjun's eyes. Of course maybe that's how he trained you to but take my advice, you are finally free and you can do anything you want. Get out of the house and explore the world. Do you really want to stay caged?!"

Get out, so you can do as you please that too in my house. I will never allow that and what is this thing about I see world through Arjun's eyes. Is he mad or what?! Trained?! Am I some pet to be trained?! Nonsense!

"You are very interested in me, aren't you?!" I asked him, gritting my teeth.

"I just feel sad for you. You're both young and beautiful but look at you, tied down with a baby at such a young age when you should be working towards better life. Women of your age are so ambitious and look at what he has done to you."

Tied down?! Am I tied down?! I am just 22 and if I were to be honest I didn't wanted a baby that soon. I would have liked to wait at least a good three to four years maybe. I never really thought about getting married because I always knew in my heart that one day I will be bethroned to another Mafia leader by my father. The man who didn't give me freedom to go to college without an army of bodyguards tailing behind, wouldn't have allowed me to marry out of love.

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