Chapter 70

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Radhika's POV

He finally stops tickling me but doesn't let go of my hands that he had trapped. He pulls his shirt over his head as he gets rid of it. He lowers himself on me and I couldn't help but blush. God! Wasn't it just last night that we made love?! Do all newly married couples want to make love so very often?! It's like we are starting to behave like rabbits. I did not like sex first because I would be sore the next morning and Sam would tease me saying that she finds my way of walking, really funny. I yesterday snapped at her and told her that she will know when she is married and till then she should enjoy her catwalk! She knows we have a lot of sex from the lovebirds she sees on my neck that she says are the size of grapefruit. I use to hide it initially by some concealer but no matter how much I hide them, they don't disappear, do they?! She also once said that I shouldn't complain as there are so many women who are unhappy because of bad sex in their marriage. Well it's important but not everything right?! It's an expression of love and care yeah sometimes lust too but overall you should love the person or you will regret bad after the fog of desire is over. I use to feel bad but then now I don't really mind. I mean he has been so good to me apart from the initial two or three weeks of starting. Life of a mafia woman born and wed into a mafia family isn't all bed of roses but then I am not stupid to expect that it would be rosy. I am getting the best as compared to what other woman go through. I also know Arjun is not capable of cinematic expression of love.

He levels my sleeve down as he places sloppy kisses on my skin. I feel as if my whole skin is lit on fire. I clutch his shoulder blade tight as my one hand sweeps down on his back. I close my eyes realising the feeling of loving warmth in his arms.

I shiver as cold air hits me as he peels off my dress. I am now lying only in my undies before his eyes. His eyes darken with need. God! He kills me when he looks at me like he wants to possess my soul. He looks at me for a minute maybe but the look in his eyes says that he is thinking something. He takes off my clutcher and he sets my hair free. He smiles heartily as my hair spread over the pillowcase and few strands cover very little of my breast. He again looks unsatisfied as his smile disappears faster than it graced his lip. I look at him with both curiosity and confusion. What does he want now?!

Next what he does actually hits me hard! He tries to take off my nuptial chain and I protest with my hand holding his fist tight. I don't want him to remove it. I believe if you love your husband then it is your duty as a wife to protect your relationship from evil eyes and the black and golden beads in a nuptial chain do that. I know initially I didn't wanted to wear it but I don't want to take it off now. There is also this preconceived notion that when you wear it, your husband feels more responsible towards you whenever he looks at it and he also is reminded that he is married and committed. I don't know how much of this is true but I don't want to take it off or let him take it off.

He again starts to unhook it from behind but I protest strongly this time as I look him in the eye making my stand clear," No." I state firmly.

He finally quits and gives me a smile that is to assure me that he has finally dropped that idea. I sign in relief but I feel curious about why he wanted to take it off?! I mean wasn't he the same guy who said hurtful things to me when I tried to take it off after our marriage?! He is always in his role of a possessive husband then why this sudden change?! I don't know how I feel about this.

I try to gauge something out from his look but he gives nothing away. He is so unpredictable that I can't get my head around his this nature. I know he doesn't tell anything to anyone unless he feels he wants to or he will only tell you what he thinks you have to know. Once I had asked him about a room on third floor that is always closed and no one goes there, he told me I am better off without knowing that. When I use to roam around, I use to stop in front of the door and wonder what was there on the other side of it. Once he caught me staring at that door and he told me there are some secrets that come with a price and one should be willing to pay it. He said he doesn't want me to ever pay a huge price for knowing something that is dangerous both for me and for him.

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