Chapter 51

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Arjun's POV

I wake up early habitually. No matter at what time I sleep, I will wake up early because this sleeping more than required is being neglectful to your responsibilites and while you are tucked in your bed, your enemy makes plans to destroy or even better use uproot you. Not my words they are Mark's. His name drives me in reverse gear where I was a petulant, horny and wasted young boy who he brought in line. None of it had anything to do with love and affection as anyone would think. However his extremes did not match what I wanted to do to Rehan once I will have my hands on him.

When Mark whipped me for the first time for lying to him about my whereabouts, I was so fired up that I wanted to jump off but then I never give up. I took all the pain he gave me and soon I realised that he was doing it for my own good, he was making me immune to feel any pain or care less about it. I don't have any scars as he was generous enough to treat my wounds the very next day. This all makes me think, what I would have been if not for him?! I would have thrown my life away or would have come in front of car. I never had a normal life like young boys going on vacations with their friends and playing cricket, coming home with a suitcase of memories and having fun narrating them. I was kept away or rather I say, I didn't wanted to hang out with boys my age. They were all fools thinking about banging girls all day long. Not that I didn't in fact if I wasn't careful enough, I would have tons of babies that too from different women. Babies! Makes me wonder, would I feel attached to that baby if Radhika wasn't his mother?!

Something in me is repulsed by that question I asked myself. I don't think I would be anything more than a sponsor for his life. Radhika has to be the mother of all my kids. Kids?! You sucker, you want her tied down with many kids, don't you?! Yeah it's not such a bad idea. She is like mamma in many ways maybe because of that she is here in my bed as my wife not as an one night stand.

One thing I learned well from my life is that I see through people very fast. I see through their words, their expressions and their actions. I couldn't have missed the reddish hue of innocence that covered her cheeks.

Right off the bat, I knew she was a virgin both physically and emotionally. Those were my requirements for a perfect wife if I ever took one. You might call me a male chauvinist. Yeah, I am and that to a big one. I don't think women are men's equal in fact I think we both have different jobs to do on face of earth. Mark always says if a husband is giving unquestionable freedom to his wife like working late at night, mingling with other males and taking decisions, then that husband has practically handed over his balls to his wife. I am not and can never be that kind of henpecked husband. When I see people doing that, I digest the urge to ask them who the fuck is wearing pants in your marriage?!

Radhika is a sweetheart. She is too good just like mamma was but the only difference my weak excuse of a father did not cherish her. I was never as cruel as father and I can never be. As I see Radhika sleeping in my arms like a baby snuggling closer to warmth, I cannot help myself from taking in her peerless beauty. Before I know my admiration turns to full on oging and I am hard again but I know she is tired so my pecker will have to wait for whole day until it's night again.

I carress her beautiful face. She is something, isn't she?! I kiss her forehead and she shifts in her sleep not before taking my name. What is she thinking?! I wish I could wake her up and ask what was going inside her mind when she said my name. It's driving me a bit crazy to not know. I give a kiss to my baby before I get out of the bed to take a cold shower.

When I come out, wrapping a towel on my hips, she is still sleeping. I like how she is careless and unwary to the world right now. So fucking innocent! Makes me want to protect that innocence though I have abused it numerous times in the past. I notice that she has shrugged off the comforter in her sleep so I cover her properly. I get dressed in my armani suit and I am ready to leave but something stops me. I want her to wake up happy. So I quickly place an order to my personal designer for a pink floral gown. Pink looks lovely on my Radhika whether it is my hickeys that fade from red to pink or a pink dress. Now you will think who the fuck is going to deliver at 5 in the morning. Well for me, people will lick each other's asses if I say so, delivering a dress isn't a big deal.

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