Chapter 18

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Radhika POV

I thought he would throttle me today for offending him time and again but he just lightly kissed my lips and said that this is not over yet and I have to pay for that putty mouth I have got. That one sentence sends electric current down my spine.

I don't know what got into him suddenly, He was at his best behavior last night. He cuddled me to sleep....I still cannot believe last night actually happened. Though I have a strong dislike for him, I'd never wish for him to die. How can he accuse me of wishing his death?! Why would I strike the axe on my own feet. I don't wish to be a widow in my early 20s. I am just 22 and in our world if the husband dies before wife then she has to live a bland life.

Today I felt a knot twisted in my stomach, the moment I got to know that he can marry again after our marriage But I won't let him do that. I know I can't stop him from spending nights with his mistresses But no way in hell I will let him bring another woman into this house. I will not let him marry again, he is my husband and I want to be his only wife.

So that was the worst thing that could ever happen. he acted! he played with my feelings!  he called it Oscar performance. I thought he cared for me though he hated me. what am I thinking?! Stupid Radhika!! How can he care for you and be nice to you when he hates you and married you only for revenge.. to hurt dad.. to make dad go on knees.. why?! Why me?! Why oh why?! The pain I felt was too much to take.. I felt my heart might burst... The pain was too much.. too hard for me to breath.. is this how you feel when someone you call yours and trust puts you down?!

Yours?! Mine?! Trust?!

Did I just say that I trust him? Started to trust him? But his care was not fake.. I could read his eyes... But his accusations are too much to bear. Its as if cuts my heart in to tiny pieces when he accuses me.

I did fall for his sugary words and his charm... I could never see past it... Why did I have to believe him?

"Your highness, let me cook something for you."

I am supposed  to cook right?!

"No I actually thought..."

"His highness, told me that you are absolutely helpless in the kitchen so I have to cook."

Absolutely helpless?! Is that what he said?!

"No I actually..."

"Please I insist you wait outside or perhaps sit and wait in the dinning room."

"Okay." I mumbled as I went out.

Why did he even dragged me here if I wasn't supposed to cook here.

I ate a hearty meal which I am glad I did not make! Nothing can be like this, watching my favourite serial in my bedroom. To my sigh of relief, Arjun is busy with his business meeting so he didn't bother me at all. Mary brought  me some raspberries. I am fond of strawberries but I love raspberries too.

All of sudden I heard someone's footsteps approaching my room. I looked at the door from the corner of my eye. The door flew open and a girl of my age stormed inside and started screaming out my husband's name on the top of her voice.

She was wearing a white polka dotted top and blue jeans. She looked amazingly cute with her short shoulder length hair. she had hazel grey eyes which looking like two stars twinkling but she looked like someone. I couldn't remember who was I thinking of, I tried harder to ring a bell in my brains. Yes!!! Her features have a striking resemblance to Arjun's Mom. Is she related Arjun?!Her icy cold tone brought me out of my stance.

She asked me in a irritated voice, "Who are you and where is he?!"

Seriously?! Girl, you are standing in my room and asking me who am I?! I thought she was one of the long list of my husband's fuck buddies.

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