Chapter 3- His Hatred Or His Lust?!

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Arjun was sleeping on his bed just then he felt someone snuggling closer to his chest....His eyes flew open alerting his mind...He clenched the sheets in his fist in anger as he found the blonde sleeping on him who he had brought home last night...He pushed her off the bed and she yelped in pain as she kissed the ground.

She got up supporting her body and groaned in pain rubbing her hurt elbow....She questioned him," Baby why did you push me off from our bed?!"

Arjun glared at her and raised his finger and spitted venom, " Its not ours but only my are nothing but a body to satisfy my lustful hunger....Get dressed in that slutty dress of yours and get out."

She gulped down his insulting words in fright and disappointment and wrapped the bedsheet over her body and stormed to the washroom holding her dress.

Arjun didn't care a bit what she felt....He got up and pulled on his boxers and reached for his phone lying on the side table....He dialled Mark who asked him to be ready to deal with their convicts who were waiting for their alleged death sentence.... But Arjun didn't buy pleasure by killing easily by knocking down with one or two bullets....He adored pain of those people who double crossed him. And his punishments demonstrated the extreme cruelty of him which seemed to speed up with time.

He walked to the chamber where all the convicts were kept tied up in dark starved to die by Mark. As Arjun entered the room all stood up to honour his presence among them.... Arjun took long fast stride towards the cushioned black rocking armed chair of his father which now belonged to him...A man came forward and kneeled down and held Arjun's hand and placed a kiss of respectful greetings on his knuckles and murmured keeping his gaze down," Accept my greetings, My lord."

Arjun nodded and replied in a serious grough tone," Ayaan How many are there?!"

Ayaan stood up and answered," My lord....2 of them were found leaking secrets to the CBI and 7 of them were imposters from Rehan Mishra's squad. "

As the name fell on his echoed back and ringed in his ears....He clenched his fist hard until it turned white due to the blood rushing up in his knuckles....He remembered the cries of his mother while that bastard's men were raping her and giving her enormous pain following his orders....He couldn't hide the weak painful expression that crossed his face as his mind took him back in time. But he immediately stiffened his posture and got back his hardened cold scowl back.

He turned to Ayand spoke in a hoarsely tone," Its Time I get some of my fun by playing with them."

He got up and walked to the 9 men tied up and their heads covered with hoods...He instructed his men to pull off the hoods and so they did what they were told to do....

He smirked and wolfishly," So convicts I don't have much time to spend on spineless creatures like you....As you know I lead a mafia organization which looks up to every second of mine z precious.... Now without wasting my time tell me what do you have to offer in return of your lives."

All the convicts were speechless and anyone could make out from their facial expression that they were dead scared But one smartass dared to voiced out instead of shivering in fright like others.

He said," My Lord, I have something of your benefit....But I will only share the information if you promise to let me go alive and on my foot."

Arjun scrunched up his nose in disgust....Still he felt a bottled up curiosity to know the piece of information that sly traitor had...But It was against his rule to forgive mistakes of anyone however worthy his life seemed to Arjun....Mark's words echoed in his ears," Arjun no mistake or offense z forgiven in our world....we can't afford to trust the traitors again even if they undergo a change of heart....Backstabbing mafia head means death sentence..."

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