Chapter 46

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Arjun's POV

After Lily leaves to her room, I take off to our room where I have my beautiful, pregnant wife waiting for me. I should not upset her by making her wait. I don't know what's wrong with me?! Have I gone soft?! I don't want to but I can't help myself. Right now there isn't a man more happier than me on this face of earth. I am married to a girl who is so loving and kind to me inspite of all the mishaps I did to her. I don't love her because I don't believe in that shit. I do care for her deeply and my baby owns me. I can't wait to hold my baby in my arms.

As I enter my room, I find Radhika sitting on the bed reading a book. Without even looking at it I can tell it must be some romantic shit. I don't understand why girls are so dreamy and unrealistic about life?! Love. This word must be sounding like rotten tomatoes from me. I don't believe it. It's stupid to believe all this. Also I am certainly not a man who has experienced wooing a girl or taking her out on dates and that stupid shit that comes along. I use to be busy whole day and at night I just needed an one night stand. I may have made my century when it comes to women. You may think I am bragging but it's true. Even though I don't know the exact figure but I have slept with tons of women. Yeah a manwhore who doesn't give shit about feelings and emotions. Was I?! Yeah, absolutely! Sex for me has always been pretty much great but what happens between and Radhika is beyond sex. I can never get enough of her. She isn't the most beautiful girl but there is something about her that makes me want to just lose myself in her. She is epitome of selflessness. In spite of what she has gone through because of me and my revenge, she is standing before me, smiling warmly at me. Who could do that?! I see lines of worry on her forehead and I know she is thinking about what I and Lily talked so far. I hope she trust me.

I touch her cheek as I stare deep into her eyes," You trust me, right?!"

For a moment a doubt flickers in her eyes but soon she smiles widely as the corner of her lips touch her eyes if that's even possible. What the fuck is she thinking that made her so happy?!
I think I know it's something about the baby. Soon I notice she isn't paying heed to me and she is thinking something. Thinking really hard, I might add.

I snap my fingers in front of her to get her attention," Where you got lost?! I asked you if you trust me?!"

"I don't doubt your love for our baby so yes I trust you but don't break my trust this time." She sounds so needy at the end of her sentence. What is it with her?! What is she worried about?!

"I won't, I promise. I will not let anything happen to you or my baby." I promise her in a unflinching tone.

Out of blue, she hugs me and lays her head on my chest. Hey! I am not complaining it's just that she surprised me. I hold her gently but firmly and I rub her back to calm her down as I feel her tensed muscles. There isn't anything carnatic about this hug, it's me comforting my wife who is going to give me the greatest gift of my life. I wish we stay like this till eternity but she breaks the hug after about a minute. I smile at her my 'I want you in the bed now' smile,"So where were we before Lily interrupted us?!"

"Dining table." She plays dumb.

"Yes but what were we up to?!" I probe her as I tuck her hair strands behind her ears.

"I don't remember." She shyly replies.

"Then let me remind you, my gorgeous."I don't wait a second more to devour her lips. I kiss her in a way only a man that cares for his wife will kiss. I want to assure her at the same time I want to express my gratitude towards her for loving the baby. Of course hadn't she been happy about it, I would have foisted it upon her but her willingness is like icing on cake.

"Radhika" I whisper slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. I want to seduce her with my lips, my husky voice and my body so she gives herself to me by her free will.

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