Chapter 59

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Radhika's POV

He left me alone to get dressed. I quickly got dressed and picked a necklace that adorned my sari. Sometimes I wonder why do I have to wear things that cost a fortune?! What difference is there in a human being and a doll who is all decorated to please the eye?! There is no difference at least where Arjun is concerned.

I took to Sam's room to check up on her but I bumped into the last person on this earth who I wanted to see right now. Lily! Now knowing that she and Arjun had a past together, I didn't wanted to face her too soon until I digest all the bitter truths of my life.

"Hello Radhika." that bitch! She is putting on an act now.

"Cut the crap, Lily! I know what happened between you and Arjun so please drop the act."

"Really?! You know what happened last night or you know what happened years ago?!" She gives me a cunning smile.

"Both. Lily, stay away from Arjun! He doesn't want you in his life or..." I paused and smirked," in his bed."

"He will soon. You don't even know him that well. He isn't those one woman types, he is the ones who want their cake and want to eat it too." She gave me a smug smile that annoyed me so much.

No worries! I am going to wipe that smile off her face.

"He must have done that when he was with you but he never cheated or went to any other woman from the time we are married. Maybe you couldn't keep him all for yourself just like I do!" I gave her my best smirky smile.

"You think this is going to last long?! From someone as young and as inexperienced as you, what else was I even expecting?! What are you, 19 or 20?! You think you can keep your wife's trophy on your shelf for too long?! What a pity! You are so stupid and so gullible. Must have been so easy for Arjun to play with you."She gave me a crooked smile.

Before I could even answer her, Sam beat me to it. When did she come?!

"Lily Mathew, don't you ever talk to Radhika in that tone ever! She is the  owner of this house and if she wishes then she can just sweep you away from here like trash but she isn't that type of a person. What you said?! Bhai played with Radhika. The truth is he has never played with any of the woman in his past including you. He never forced you or any of them and you exactly knew the scope of that fling you had with my brother. Women were eating out of his hand including you. He married Radhika for pete's sake and she is pregnant with his baby. What more will it take for you to see that it's over between both of you a long time ago and now he is married. Please get a life and move on so my brother can live in peace!" My God! Sam just went thermonuclear on her!

When we left her behind to sulk, I asked Sam the question I was dying to ask her.

"Sammy, if Arjun did not love her and he did not respect her by cheating on her then why do you think Lily still has feelings for him?!" I asked her.

"To be honest, I don't get it. I mean he never gave her a reason to wait. I think it's more like proximity breeds contempt. They were too close to each other once upon a time and now it's almost like a cold war between the two of them. Let's not talk about her and ruin your mood. Let's talk about the new addition to our family." With that, she made me blush furiously.

"What do you think, it's going to be a boy or girl?!" She asked me.

"I don't know and it's too soon to say anything right now maybe after two months, doctor will let us know." I confide in her.

"What you want?!" She asked me with bubbling excitement.

"A girl but you know how badly Arjun wants a son, a heir so I just want God to grant his wish."

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