Chapter 12- I Am Your God!

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Arjun climbed down the apex of stairs swiftly and stared at Mathew murderously who was standing talking to some servants.

He marched over to him and commanded the servant to disperse and turned to Mathew who was totally clueless about what was going to happen next.

He spoke in a sardonic bitter tone," Didn't I made it clear that you are not supposed to have any kind of conversation with Radhika?! "

Mathew was not the one to get feared easily, He was as good as Arjun but he had a slight pang of humanity in his heart but Arjun's enemies were his enemies and Arjun's family was his family so Radhika was like a sister in law to him. He knew she had nothing to do with Rehan and his malicious deeds. She was innocent and she didn't deserved to be at the receiving end of Arjun's anger still he chose to keep calm as disrespecting Arjun would make the matters worst not for him but for Radhika. He knew Arjun would never kill him because if you are Arjun's friend then you get the gift of lifelong loyalty and friendship.

Mathew in a calm composed tone," Arjun, she was really miserable so I just thought of cheering her up. She is very talented and has a very soft voice."

Arjun's jaw hardened and a knot clenched in his throat out of anger. He spitted venomously, " Did I ever ask your opinion about my wife?!.... "

Mathew reasoned," Arjun, this is not the way to treat your wife, you don't have feelings for her neither do you respect her nor do you treat her as a human. If not care then at least don't make her feel like a she is some sort of convict serving her jail term. You have caged her like a convict for something she is not at fault. What iso her mistake if Rehan is the who fathered her?!"

Arjun's eyes darkened with anger, He was huffing in merciless ferocious anger. How dare he?! Who the fuck is he to tell him how he should treat his wife. For him a wife is a husband's own personal property, he has full right to touch her the way he wants, hurt her as he sees fit. No other man can teach him how he should treat his wife. He also felt more furious because Mathew was taking Radhika's side despite being his bestest friend. Who was this girl to him?! Nobody while on the otherhand They had always been together since what felt like forever.  Arjun had given Mathew his shoulder to cry when his parents died in a plane crash when he was just ten, he had not cried for a week because it was such a rude shock to him but Arjun stayed with him every day of that week to ensure if he cries then he will have his friend by his side. On the sixth day, he finally broke down in tears and Arjun got up and locked the door to not let anyone see his friend's breakdown. He held him, assured him and even had fed him when he didn't eat on his own during those days. How could Mathew forget all of that?!

Mathew could have chosen to stay with his materal grandparents who were ready to take him in but he did not leave Arjun instead he got himself trained by Mark so one day he could be of any use to Arjun. He only chose medical field because the doctor in their army was getting old and they couldn't just pick up any Tom, dick and Harry to join them. They needed complete loyalty and discretion from the doctor along with his services. Who could have done that better than a friend of Arjun?!

Though Arjun and Mathew were best of friends but when Arjun is the Dark Lord then Mathew is like his any another man.

He caught Mathew by his neck and dragged him as he strode towards the convict room. He dumped him there and growled in a ear piercing tone," How dare you preach me on my business with my wife?! Are you not aware of the fact that a husband can treat his wife like a wife or can treat her like a slave if so he wishes."

Arjun continued," You have gone to far today and as far as you know me, I don't forgive neither do I forget. Now listen I want you to list me all your offence today. Open your fucking mouth before I lose the single bits of patience I am having. "

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