Chapter 100

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Arjun's POV

I entered inside and I was taken aback to find Radhika sleeping with her head on Mariam's lap in the hall. It looked like she cried herself to sleep. God, I am such an asshole! What was I thinking?

I see Sam giving me cold stare and Mariam staring at me as if she wants to burn me with the fire in her eyes but both of them don't want to wake Radhika so they keep quiet.

"Did she eat something?"

Mariam glared at me,"I forced her to have some soup but that's it! Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried we were?! Radhika was miserable and only I know how I have put her to sleep."

"Can we do this later please? I don't want her to wake up." I pleaded.

Mariam nodded but I didn't miss her accusatory glare.

I groan in a low voice, cursing under my breath," I will take her to our room."

"You will wake her up, let her sleep here for a while."

"I won't, trust me." I say as I pull her up gently and scoop her up in my arms. Thankfully she didn't wake up, and I didn't wanted her to get a back ache later by sleeping here in the hall uncomfortably. I know she gets terrible back aches during pregnancy and I can't sleep in my room without her sleeping next to me.

I climbed the stairs and reached my room. I pushed open the door with my leg and entered inside. I laid her down on the bed and covered her with the comforter. I slept next to her, watching her sleep so peacefully. There were traces of dried tears on her cheeks and it looked like she had cried for hours.

"I am sorry, I am really really sorry...."

Words fail me as guilt hits me harder than ever and tears fill my eyes.

I place a hand on her baby bump, carressing it, I leaned in, kissing her forehead. My hunger was raw as I had not eaten anything for ten hours now but I didn't wanted her to wake up and not find me beside her. She cried herself to sleep because I wasn't there and she was worried about me so I should wait for her to wake up.

I tried to sleep but my stomach wasn't agreeing with me as I was starving. I sat carressing her belly and the baby didn't disappoint me as I could feel him move under my fingers. I pushed my face closer to her baby bump," Are you hungry like me, babyboy? Your mother didn't feed you?"

I chuckled lightly seeing the baby agreeing with me," You should blame me, it's not your mom's fault in fact everything is your Father's you will not call me Father, you will call me Dad."

I smiled with delight forgetting my hunger as the baby responded to me.

"Your mother is good, she is the best thing that ever happened to me. I am stupid in fact I don't have words to describe how stupid and reckless I have been. I abused your mom physically and mentally, I know you won't understand a word I am saying but promise me, you will be a better person than your Dad, won't you babyboy?"

Tears welled in my eyes as I felt him kick against my hand," That's right, babyboy. Be a good son, love your mom the most, always protect your family, always understand that you can't just say things in anger and repent later. Always value relationships over your anger because I wish I did, babyboy."

"I am fuc...bad..word, can't say that in front you or your mom will kill me. I am extremely scared to have you because I am a not a good person and it never bothered me actually. I was fine being evil and doing the things I do but now you make me question my actions, baby boy."

"I love you with all my heart, with everything I have but I am so scared. Your mom is so younger than me yet she isn't scared like I am. She is so much in love with you and she is a kid herself yet she has never wavered in her love towards you but I don't know if I am cut out for this."

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