Chapter 77

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Arjun's POV

I was on the floor doing my push ups although it hurts like a bitch with that bandage on my back but a man needs to do what he needs to do. I love gyming and simply can't quit even though I am injured. It also helps to release all the tension and stress from my senses though I know I am not getting rid of any of it, it's just a momentary relief that you get and again it hits you harder.

"Arjun, you have been working out for more than two hours now. It's not good for your injury."

"I fucking know it, don't preach me, Mark."

I reply to him from the floor itself. When is he going to stop bossing me around?!

He takes my arm and pulls me up and forcefully makes me stand. Sometimes he is so fucking bossy and I can't believe he gets away after doing this shit with me.

"Enough now listen I have some news. Radhika has been staying in the mansion and today she went to see the doctor."

Fuck! It's her routine check up day. I remember the date very well as I had made a note of it in my mind.

"She is okay right?!" I ask him nervously.

"She seems fine to me from the pictures that our man has clicked. What is bothering me is what Veer is doing there?!" He says as he looks at the pictures in his hand.

Veer?! What the fuck is he doing around my wife?!

"I want to see the pictures." I say as I practically snatch them from him.

My eyes turn to slits when I see him walking alongside my Radhika who looks unfazed by his presence. In all the pictures he has his eyes on her and I don't fucking like it at all. The way he is salivating for her makes me want to scoop his eyes out for ogling at her like that. I know she is very pretty and it's hard not to stare but then she is married and belongs only to me. How fucking long is it going to go on?! If I could I would attack him right now but Mark wouldn't let me do any of that. I am fucking fed up of watching them from far. I fucking want to tear him apart for messing up with my life. Everything was so fucking good and when I say good it was really unbelievably good. I was so fucking happy with Radhika and she was happy too until he had to come and fuck everything up.

He thinks father was unjust to him. After wreaking my family after making my mother shed countless tears after creating a rift between her and her husband, that fucking whore wanted her son to have what I rightfully deserved. She got what she deserved. She committed sin by breaking my family apart. It's only because of her, my mother couldn't even pass one day without crying. She treated my mother like a slave and he fucking allowed it to happen! He let her get away with it! I know men cheat in our world, they have mistresses but to let your mistress treat your wife like a slave, is something unimaginable. I still remember how that bitch slapped me when I called her a golddigging whore! I mean, that's what she was, a golddigging whore who pried on a married man and broke a family apart!
I will not say father was a good husband before she entered our lives, he was a shitty husband but I will never forget her role in my mother's humiliation in our house.

I won't forget that and the whore is dead but I will get my retribution through her son. Revenge is a dish best served cold and mine is going to be frozen, Veer. Just wait and watch, you will regret the day when you swore revenge on me. Pretty boy, I am the elder one and I have seen world more than you. You are just a little boy in front of me.

I would never forgive father for what he did to mom but what's gone is gone. Father is no more so I can't even blame him now. What's the use?! He isn't going to rise up from his grave to take my blames and accusations, is he?!
But it's my duty to take care of everything behind him. Everything that he left behind for me and for me only. He never accepted that fucker because he didn't wanted to and that fucker deserves to pay for his whoring mother's sins. His mother fucked my mother's whole life and I will fuck her son's life now. If he thinks he has right over anything then he is fucking delusional. Everything is mine and mine only! I am the first born and Arnav Mehra's only son Arjun Mehra, I never shared anything and I am sure as fuck not going to learn it now.

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