Chapter 34

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Arjun's POV

"That man is Frederick Demello. He is a alley and a old friend of mine. Beware he is the biggest prankster and he loves pulling people's legs. He is outspoken but most of the time I find him quiet honest. Tell me if he disrespects you or upsets you with any of his comments. You'll tell me right?!"

I had to give her a disclaimer of what to say and what to not say. She is very innocent and I don't want anyone to take advantage of that advantage of that innocence.

She nodded and I remembered that I had not briefed her about lying about our marriage and how it happened.

"Don't give away any information about our marriage."

Her face fell hearing me and I realized that it came out wrong.

"You don't want to introduce me as your wife?!" She asked me woefully.

Her eyes welling up even as she said it and it dawned upon me that what a big blunder I made!

"No that's not what I meant. Don't tell anyone the way it happened." I explained her gently and she smiled finally lifting my spirits instantly with that gorgeous smile.

"Look what grace has been bestowed upon us and specially me. The Dark Lord has thought me worthy of his presence in my party."

I rolled my eyes at his flattering and I grinned to myself thinking that he does it only to irk me and everytime without fail, he is successful because I have little to no patience for people sucking up to me.

" If you would have not been my mother's rakhi brother, you would have been lying lifeless on the floor with my bullet in your thick skull for all the stunts you pull in my presence. So thank your stars. Don't test my patience."

He was good to my mother and she tied a rakhi on his wrist to thank him for the kindness that he showed her. I put up with him because he is her rakhi brother which makes him my uncle.

His gaze travelled from me to her and i didn't like how he was staring at her,"Have you been to heaven Arjun?! You stole a heavenly nymph from there and brought her in my party. Shit I envy you man. I so wish to have her by my side."

Now I know he is just trying to rile me up because this is the man I have known for a long time and he worships his wife. He is just trying to get a raise out of me but I don't like it when any man looks at my wife a bit longer even if it's out of curiosity and not lust.

My fingers clenched her waist hard as I realized that this is just the beginning and she is going to be exposed to so many men who will drool over her, some will wonder who is she and some will just ogle at her. I was starting to regret my decision to bring her with me.

He lets out an extravagant laugh, "Hahaha. Arjun I was just kidding. I know no one eyes what belongs to Arjun. You know I have a wonderful family and she is like a daughter to me. I just love getting on your nerves. It boosts my appetite."

Frederick I know means well, he just doesn't act his age and that irks me a lot.

" So who is this beauty?! I had never dreamed of you bringing a girl with you and be so territorial about her."

That was veiled taunt because about two ago I hooked up with a girl in his party in one of the rooms upstairs and he walked in on us.

" She is Radhika Arjun Mehra, my wife."

His eyes widened in shock and he coughed his drink at my declaration as even he believed that I am not going to marry. Hell even I had full faith in myself of retaining my bachelor hood.

" You got married?! Did all the girls refused to take you in their pants?!"

He took a jibe at me, I know but I did not get angry because whatever he said was truth after all. I think I never wanted to marry because I didn't believe in marriage and relationships after what they did to my mother. Her marriage was her nemesis and I didn't wanted to take any chance.

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