Chapter 37

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Arjun's POV

People gathered around and their gazes glued to a fight that happened out of blue. I wonder who were so eager to get their asses banged. They made way for me to walk in. My jaw dropped on the floor when I saw that drenched ugly marshmallow looming on my Radhika. My wife had a empty cocktail glass in her hand and I guessed she had thrown it on that ugly unwanted mushroom. God she is full of surprises. But I am impressed my girl.

Just when she flung her hand in air to lash out at Radhika, I caught her wrist and twisted it with cruelty. The nerve of her to even think of raising hand on my Radhika. No one touches my wife let alone hurting her.

I broke her wrist and she screamed out in pain. Serves you right. You think you can get away after offending my Radhika. Hell no you'll pay for that lone tear that slipped down my wife's cheek. She isn't supposed to cry for piece of shit like you but since you made her I'll make you take a bath with your own tears today.

I eyed her with a petrifying gaze," You signed your death warrant by thinking of raising your hand on her. You really thought you'll be able to touch her."

I clenched the words through my teeth," No one touches what's mine. Any last wish." I pulled out my gun and my fingers so tempted to press the trigger.

Albert crashed on his knees and begged to me," No please don't kill my daughter. At least value our relationship which has lasted for ages."

I couldn't get my mind off from the scornful look Sandra was giving Radhika. I couldn't get my eyes off the hand that was about to slap my Radhika. What if I had not reached on time?! What if she had really hurt my Radhika?! No I won't be a pathetic excuse of a man who can't protect his woman. I need to set an example so that no one messes with my wife or my family in future and for that Sandra needs to die.

I said in a monotone voice, "Too late for an apology, Albert. I told you many times to knock some sense in this good for nothing daughter of yours. You were one of my father's closest friends and this is why I am sparing your family. If some one else would have offended my wife I would have slaughtered every member of that family."

"Arjun, how can you think of ending my life for this whore of a wife of yours."

That's it. She screwed bad and I am not at all forgiving her even if Albert licks my feet today. I feel like ripping her throat and shoving in her ass.

I slapped her hard across her cheek and ear splitting sound echoed back and forth in the hall. The venue was doomed in dead silence. I knew no one will intervene because no one ever did when I am the one dealing. And right now my rage has no end because if anyone steps in, I swear I am killing without a moment of restraint.

"How dare you use that filthy word for my wife?! Sandra its you who is the highest paid whore in our society. You think I don't know how to get over me and live with my rejection you had your legs spread wide for men you barely knew. I was going to give you a less painful death but now I'll make sure you'll shed blood tears till your last breath." I growled like wild.

"Arjun, I don't want you to kill her."Radhika protested.

Oh no honey she has to die whether you like it or not. I can't stand someone disrespecting you ever.

"Radhika get out of my way or I'll move you. I am not going to spare her." I stated in a hard tone.

"Arjun please." Tears sprang in her eyes. No Radhika not today. I won't stop for anything in this world. Your tears won't help, baby. Just drop it.

I didn't liked her shedding tears. Actually no I hated it. God stop Radhika she isn't worth it. Why do you have so much big and vulnerable heart?! The gloominess in her eyes was strangling me. I would have thought back on my decision but no Marks words ringed in my ears. Arjun, can you guarantee a person who wrongs you once wouldn't fail to cross your path again?! No Sandra wouldn't have a change of heart because she was one heck of a girl. She has to die because what she did is a unforgivable crime in my eyes.

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