Chapter 24

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Arjun's POV

"She is Rehan's daughter and the reason I married her is completely different from what you and Mariam know." I gave her the truth because Sam is my family and she deserves to know the truth.

She stood, shocked and colour drained from her face," You mean Rehan Mishra?!"

"Yes, I mean Rehan Mishra." I pressed each word.

"Bhai, this is so..." She fell short of words," I don't know what to say. I tremble even when I hear that bastard's name and to think of what he did to aunt Martha..." Tears welled in her eyes.

I wiped her tears and pulled her in a hug," Its okay, it's over now." I consoled her.

She pulled her face out of my chest," But Radhika is so good, Bhai."

I looked at her intently," Doesn't change the fact that she is his daughter."

"Its not her fault that he gave birth to her and she is a pure soul, you know that." She defended her.

"I don't want to talk about it." I silenced her.

"Bhai, I asked her so many times but she did not tell me that you were so abusive to her. She didn't wanted to create a rift between us and she even took the efforts to hide the bruise on her face."

I didn't wanted to hear what I already knew because it tampers with my whole agenda of marrying her. It's like a slap in my face when I see and notice all this things about Radhika which are a telltale that she is in Sam's words, pure soul!

"Enough! Sam, I don't want to hear anymore."

"Bhai, can't you be a little nice to her?! I know it's difficult for you to forget that she is your enemy's daughter but if you just look at her as Radhika, just Radhika, not Rehan's daughter. You will see the exceptional person that she is, it takes a lot of courage and patience to lie to the world that you are happy and nothing is wrong in your life. If you would not have told me today, I would have never been able to learn the truth because she never ousted you in front of your family."

Sam's words hit me hard and I was rendered speechless at the way Sam perceived Radhika.

"I'll try." I said half-heartedly because forgetting that Radhika was Rehan's daughter was hard for me.

"She is good, Bhai and I believe you should give her and this relationship a chance."

"Sam, I don't hate her it's just..." I paused," It makes me feel guilty when I care for her and I have grown to care for her but...."

She breaks in on me," But you feel guilty that you are betraying your mother by allowing yourself to care for her."

I nodded in affirmation. I never knew that Sam could understand me or even express the feelings that I, myself didn't had the courage to acknowledge.

She continued," You feel scared that she will take advantage of you and she will betray you."

"She better not because I will kill her if she does then." I said in an unflinching tone.

"Bhai, Radhika is not like that. She is nothing like her father and I have never met that man but the way you described him, he must be a vile man but Radhika is such a sweet thing, it's hard to even believe that she is his daughter."

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