Chapter 23

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Arjun's POV

There she was, on her knees with her head bowed down touching the feet of the idol. I personally don't pray to God because the last time I prayed to him to save my mother, he didn't listened to my prayers. I believe there is no God because if there was one, my mother would have been alive because she worshipped him without fail and she was such a good human being. I would have got rid of this temple if not for the respect and love I have for my mother.

Radhika was crying and it didn't bothered me so much until I realized she could be crying for her fucking father. She better not because then she will have it from me.

I pulled her up by her arm and she crashed into my chest," Answer me! Were you crying for your father?!"

"What does it matter to you?!" She back answered me.

My jaw twitched in anger, "For the last time Radhika, were you crying for your father?!"

"No." She said and I believed her because of the sincerity in her eyes.

"Good." I let her go and smiled at her,"Because I would really love to beat the sympathy for your father out of your body."

Her entire body shook as she looked up at me with her blurry vision.

"Why were you crying?!" I asked her touching her cheek.

Some more tears swam down her cheeks and it irked me.

"Stop crying!" I told her in a loud voice.

She nodded but her tears wouldn't stop and it kind of fucked with my head, seeing her so upset when I have been so good to her since morning. She asked if I make love or not and I hurt her by telling her I only fuck hard but then I went slow on her, I actually listened to her unknowingly.

Mark is right that I have gone soft on her but then those brown eyes, they suck me in, she doesn't know how deep she has her claws in me. I could have fucked that girl and she would not have even got the air of it but I couldn't do it because she stays in my mind even when she is not physically present.

"I said stop crying! Don't make me tell you again, Radhika." I ushered a warning to her.

She wiped her tears fearfully. I love the fear in her eyes and I hate it too because it draws a line between us which I want to be there also and on the other hand I want us to be unbelievably close.

"Why were you crying?!" I asked her gently.

"It's nothing really..." I held her face and squished my cheeks, " My dear, don't make me ask you the hard way." I said in a caring tone but she knew better.

"I't...." She choked on her words but they fueled my anger for sure.

How dare she say that she doesn't want to have my baby?!

"You don't want to have my baby?!" I looked at her menacingly.

She better tread carefully because I am very close to punishing her.


Yeah, I get it she is too young but I feel relaxed that she was crying because she thinks she is too young and not because she doesn't want to have a baby. I would really get mad at her if that was the case.

"Then brace yourself because you are going to carry my child whether you like it or you don't, that's irrelevant!" I reply her rudely.

"I don't want to....please...Arjun.." I shut her up by smacking her lips, I kiss her deeply, madly and ardently. I want to show her that it's not up for discussion and she must obey me whether she likes it or not.

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