Chapter 17

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Arjun leisurely lifted eyelids as the w sunlight found its way to his face through the window. He was startled as he felt some light weight over his chest, his eyes caught notice of the sleeping beauty sleeping over him burying her small face in his chest. Her long silky hair sprawled all over him, he tucked her hair strands behind her ear and weaved his fingers in her locks caressing them gently. He stroked her  soft cheeks gently and she mumbled something in a sheepish tone. He held the shafts off her hair and wondered  how it would feel to pull on them as he fucked her brains out.

He carefully detached her head from his chest and lowered her on the other side and covered her with the quilt and kissed her forehead before finally leaving her alone in the bed.

He showered and got ready in his formals, He had some meeting with his alies to discuss about some problem that pose threat to mafia community. He took a long glance at sleeping beauty tucked in his bed and left closing the door behind him.

He walked down the stairs and greeted Mark who was sitting on one of the couch reading some autobiography.

Arjun was surprised that Mark wasn't ready for their important meeting which was supposed to happen in five mins. As far as he knew this man, He was very much punctual and work was worship for him. He sat beside him and queried, " Why aren't you ready?! We have a meeting to attend in an hour."

Mark lifted his head up which was buried inside the book and answered," We are having meeting in our house."

Arjun in an angry tone," Mark, I am the Boss, ain't I?! Then why didn't they inform me about the new arrangement?! I should have been informed before you, I am going to grill them alive in the meeting."

Mark in a sarcastic tone," Why blame them?! When you get time from hiding behind your wife's sari veil then you will focus on work But it seems she has wrapped you around her little finger."

Arjun fumed," Mark why are you bringing Radhika in this?! She has nothing to do with my work And I am not wrapped around her little finger."

Mark in a gruff tone," Really?! Arjun fool those who don't know you. You haven't received any of my calls last night. I heaved a sign of relief after seeing you entering the house. You didn't even felt it necessary to at least meet me at dinner, you didn't even respond to the calls our alies did to inform about the changes made. You were so engrossed in your wife that you have forgotten your dream to rule like a sovereign. "

Arjun shook his head and retorted," I am just trying to have my peace of mind. If you love to stress yourself with worthless things then I can't do anything about it. Old man you need to chill and the dream you are talking about is and will always be my first prority. Radhika will never come in between me and my work. I won't let her and why do you think she is on my mind 24\7?!"

Mary spoke gritting his teeth," Because She is on your mind 24\7! Either you think about how you will make her life hell either you think about how you will keep her away from all the odds. Arjun she z not trustworthy and son, don't forget she z Rehan's daughter. He back stabbed your father when he worked under the Mehra's. He took away your angel, your mother, the only light in your darkness! Arjun, Rehan's blood runs in her veins and blood is thicker than water. Don't you feel the rage at the mere sight of her?! Don't you feel that she lived a happy life until now and on the other hand, you had to live a life void of joy and pleasures! You matured before your age! Why?! Because of Rehan, you died every minute after that day and she was treated like a rosemary since the day she was born. Don't you feel ashamed of getting attracted to the daughter of the one who is responsible for all your pain and miseries?! Arjun she id the daughter of the man who had the evil eye on your bloodline. She z the daughter of that man who wiped the strand of each Mehra if not for me than even you would have been dead just like your mother and your father.   If I had not taken you away with me that day then Rehan would have hunt you down and you would have suffered the same fate like your father. I cannot even bear her sight and how do you manage to stay in same room with her?! I never wanted you to marry because its like cufflinks holding you back and my son you have a long way to go. You have to reach the top and rule the whole world. You have to rise high to such height that no one could be able to touch you there."

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