Chapter 97

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Sam's POV

I kept looking at my phone time and again, hoping to hear back from the man who has been my crush forever and who I always knew I cannot have because he is my brother's best friend and the biggest manwhore alongside my brother.

I close my eyes remembering my first coffee date with him, I don't even know if he considers it a date. He just said, let's grab a coffee and probably he just wanted some company.


I kept stealing glances at him, drooling over his perfection, that perfect jawline, that wide chest and those muscular shoulders....Stop! I castigated myself in my mind and looked away from him.

"So Sammy, how's life?"

Plain boring. I wanted to answer but I didn't wanted to look stupid in front of him.

"Just learning business with Bhai and trying to make something of my own."

"That's impressive but you liked to paint, right?"

" I do enjoy it but Bhai doesn't think that I should waste my time...."

"I will tell you something about your brother, a secret I am letting you know, your brother will let you grow and pursue your actual dream only when you prove yourself to him which you haven't by any virtue. All you have done is just rebelled and then gone along with what your brother tells you to do."

"You don't know how hard is it, it's easy for you to say....."

"Really Sam?! Easy? I lost my parents when I was six and I had to live with my aunt for the majority of my life who just tolerated me. Everything that I achieved in my life was through my own hard work and you know the truth is Sam, you just talk big things and never do anything."

I felt guilty because I knew Mathew had a hard life just like my brother did and I respect him a lot infact I have always admired him for how far he has made it in life.

"I am sorry, I should not have said that."

He looked at me with those light grey eyes of his that could make any girl weak in the knees.

"Its okay, look Sam you are already 22 and all I am trying to say here is if you are not enjoying business then you should rethink your decision."

"Its not like I don't enjoy it, I mean I do like it when I crack a deal and Bhai is really proud of me but I also like to paint and I have not really explored the business side of art."

"Why don't you do that on weekends? I mean go out, meet people, learn different technicalities of this field and start something."

"That makes sense, thank you."

"So who is Samaira Khanna dating right now?"

Red seared through my cheeks as he asked me that question and I tried my best to not look like an idiot.

"No one, you know how boys are....."

"Did someone hurt you Sam? I want the name, Sam and I want it right now!"

Where is this protectiveness coming from?! I get it, I am his best friend's baby sister so he feels that sense of responsibility towards me.

"No one has hurt me and why are you getting so worked up?! It should not concern you."

I say more harshly that I intend because I don't like the feeling that he is only looking out for me because I am his best friend's sister.

"But it does concern me, Sam and it will always concern me."

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