Chapter 92

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Arjun's POV

I have been working my ass out in the gym with my dumb ass best friend who wouldn't stop talking. Like seriously?! Sometimes I do think I have a second wife who I have to bear with!

I noticed him checking his phone every now and then between the sets and that got me curious about what he was upto.

"This is the sixth time you checked your phone."

"Yeah because I will be receiving some updates on your fucking father in law."

My blood boiled in rage at the mention of Rehan, motherfucker! I can't sleep in peace till he is dead and I can't wait to get my hands on him. I swear over my baby, I am going to make him pray for death but I won't kill him that easily. He has to pay for everything.

"Mathew, I want him within 24 hours! I don't care what you have to do, I don't care who you have to kill and how many you have to kill, if I don't get him in the next 24 hours, nothing can stop me from going on a killing spree."

"Arjun, have patience we...."

"He tried to kill my child! He came after my child!"

"I get it, Arjun you are angry...."

"Angry?! I am murderous."

"I am worried about Radhika, she won't take it well if you murder her father and her brother. I mean you have your reasons for the things he did to your family but...."

"To be honest with you, I don't give a fuck about Radhika's feelings in this because she hasn't suffered what I suffered all these years. If she shows any kind of sympathy for those two fuckers, I won't tolerate it at all."

"You need to calm down, tiger. I am just saying you should try to be patient with her and come clean about your intentions. You can't keep her in dark, no matter how shitty he is but he is still her father and she has a right to know."

"I get it, I will talk to her just not right now. She is excited and I can't bring myself to wipe off that big smile on her face."

"You are pussywhipped." He taunted.

"I don't disagree with you at all."

He smiled,"Radhika is a good girl, I mean you are a lucky bastard that she loves you despite everything you have done. I mean you are my best friend, my brother but I have to say this that your behavior towards her was shitty."

"I know, and I have apologized for everything. We have decided to start afresh now so we are good."

"That's good to hear, sometimes seeing you so happy and content, it makes me want what you have."

I balled my fist and I would have broken his jaw but he is my friend so he deserves a right to explain himself,"You want Radhika?!"

He shook his head," No! Are you fucking crazy?! Why would I go after your girl?! Do I have a death wish?!"

I let go of the breath I was holding.

"What I meant was sometimes I get this wierd thoughts about having a real girlfriend and you know, maybe settle down but then I don't think I can stick to one pussy right now....."

"Bro, don't let my marriage cloud your thoughts with this romantic shitass things. All women aren't like my Radhika and frankly a sweet, innocent girl is so rare. The world is full of bitches rubbing shoulders with men and partying, drinking and being whores."

"Yeah I understand." He nodded.

I jumped up, holding the pull up bar, and did my pull ups as I talked to him.

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